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Waselonya is the capital and 2nd most populated city of the Republic of Weseya.

Flag: Voting Ended


Actual flag of Waselonya, after winning the referendum with 4 points versus 0 and 0 of other flags.


It was founded by the Weseyan Knights in -501, as a fortress, now it is a city with more than 1 million population.

It has 3 other towns at its south because it was destroyed many times, those 3 towns were the settlements of the survivors of the accidents and the workers that repaired the town.

The City was destroyed firstly at -485 by barbarians, later in -456 by rebels and in -35 in the Kramlirr War.


It has a population of 1.192.638, (there are lots of ethnicities in there!)


53% - Weseyan-Saberyan

35% - Tourists

12% - Other (p.e. Immigrants or people from other country ethnicities)

Population Growing[]

Estimation -100 : ~ 109.409

Estimation +0 : ~ 157.392

Estimation +100: ~198.920

Estimation +300: ~237.550

Estimation +500: ~287.292

Estimation +700: ~310.005

Estimation + 900: ~390.801

Estimation +1000: ~423.892

Estimation +1300: ~489.493

Estimation +1500: ~523.892

Census +1755: 736.271

Census +1920: 887.031

Census +1987: 989.253

Census +2003: 1.001.927

Census +2013: 1.192.638

Political Geography[]


Arbolida, is just a little town apart from the Waselonya City zone.

The city is made of a Main District and another District, Waselonya and Waselonya-Wara, Waselonya is the bigger and most populated, too the richer, Waselonya-Wara, it's the old poorer and smaller district, it has the greater road connection with the Rest of Country.

Later at south, we have 3 towns mentioned before:


The oldest (and smaller), founded in -485 it's made up of the descendants of refugees from the Burn of Waselonya in -485.


-It was founded in -465 by rebels as their base to attack the city, most of it population are Waselonyans that migrated there because of high taxes in the city, there is almost no descendants of the rebels they make the minority


The newer and bigger of the 3, made when the Kramlirr war reached Waselonya as a fortress to attack the enemies, it used to has a wall around it, but now it's destroyed, because they made a road to Waselonya.
