TheFutureOfEuropes Wiki


Population Invasion Chance Size Religion Language Allies Enemies
Voudrenia 375,000 9% 237,435sqkm Orthodox Voudrais & French 5 2



During 2062, communist began in Russia. ISIS won the battle and now had control of Morocco. During the Italian-French war, there was 2 sides.

Italian Powers

Italy, Sicily States, Austily

French Powers

France, Germany, United Kingdom

During the war, the battle of the joint side (Austily vs Germany), both sides lost land. The war stopped there and then there was some blank territory and a new country claimed it. It was Inaria. 2095, their was a revolution called the Orthodox Revolution and it changed the countries Religion. The country then went Socialist from it being Communist. Then the French invaded it. The French then collapsed in the revolution for Voudrenias independence. France collapsed and Voudrinestan came out. After a few months it changed it's name to Voudrenia.


Austily and Germany is Voudrenia's dead brothers.

France is the true parent to Voudrenia

Where does the name come from?[]

The name stands for giving, giving and wanting. (ex of sentence in French: Je voudrais une ordinateur, unt un television.)
