TheFutureOfEuropes Wiki
This is now an Inactive Map Game.
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Welcome to Fractured, don't be implausible, don't be stupid, and try not to screw yourself over.


2018 - It's a shit year in summary. North Korea keeps testing their missiles, the Syrian Civil War rages on, Russo-Ukrainian tensions are increasing, the migrant crisis threatens to split the EU and the Rohingya Crisis is about to escalate into genocide.


Choose a goal that adheres to your nation's best interests. For example, India won't give a shit about the European Migrant Crisis. A nation can only choose one or two goals to reach at any time.

End North Korean missile tests and threats

True When -

  • North Korean missile or nuclear program scrapped
  • Change in North Korean government
  • North Korea no longer exists

Defuse the tensions between Russia and Ukraine

True When -

  • Russia and Ukraine are at total peace
  • Change in Russian or Ukrainian governments
  • Foreign military intervention
  • Russia and/or Ukraine no longer exist

Resolve the Crisis in the Middle East

True When -

  • Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel and/or Turkey no longer exist
  • Military intervention to prevent escalation of tensions
  • All countries in the Middle East are at relative peace

Prevent genocide in Myanmar [Completed]

True When -

  • Myanmar ends discrimination against Rohingya
  • Foreign military intervention to protect Rohingya
  • Rohingya are relocated
  • Myanmar no longer exists

Resolve the Syrian Civil War [Completed]

True When - *Syria is at peace

  • Change in Syrian government (Bashar Al-Assad Regime)
  • *Foreign military intervention
  • Syria no longer exists

We don't care how you fulfill your goals, just make sure they're done.


Just read the damn Map Game Handbook.

Type "Man's not Hot" to enter.

Amendment: Implausible turns or extremely vague turns will be crossed out. Players who continue to do this will be removed from their respective nation.


Fractured 2

Map made by Valor.


  • Owner - Sidewinder
  • Head Mod - LukaGaming
  • Mod - 
  • Map Mod - Valor
  • Map Mod Deux - EthanKoenigsberg

Applications open for reputable users only.


  • Russia (Mod)
  • Ukraine (Mod)
  • Syria (Mod)
  • Myanmar (Mod)
  • North Korea (Mod)
  • Germany - Valor
  • South Korea - MagicxPython
  • Vietnam - LukaGaming
  • India - Battlefield Evergreen
  • United States - EthanKoenigsberg
  • Norway - Fyorrian Mapping
  • Oman - Mantomato
  • Mexico - TudorMapping
  • People's Republic of China - PlasmodiumSF
  • Burkina Faso - Enjaz47
  • Japan - Turkic Evuntia
  • Turkey - Lord Thundar
  • Sweden - FrozenNavy

The Game[]


North Korea launches two missile rests over Japan, sparking expected, but fierce international outcry with many calling for an end or solution to the madness that North Korea is doing.

Ukraine demands Russia recognize Ukrainian sovereignty over the Crimea Peninsula. Russia doesn't give a shit, but does not react aggressively lest the European states suspect more.

ISIS has been mostly cleared up in the Middle East, with splinter groups coming up every now and then. With this obstacle gone, Syria falls into their civil war again, with factions calling on powerful allies.

Republic of India[]

  • Politics: Nothing really changes except for the government becoming more nationalistic.  Communism starts to grow in various regions of India.
  • Economy: Our economy is booming and grows at a steady rate.  Our various industries are expanded.  A massive infrastructure project is put underway to reach parts of India and spread stuff like running water.
  • Indian Armed Forces:
    • Indian Army: We start to train and upgrade our army in preparation for possible conflicts.  Propaganda is put out encouraging people to protect their country.  We begin to build up on the border of Myanmar.
      • Active Personnel: 1,335,000 (+45,000)
      • Reserve Personnel: 962,000 (+2,000)
    • Indian Navy: We grow our navy and start to conduct naval maneuvers around Myanmar.
    • Indian Air Force: We expand our air force and start to fly close to Myanmese airspace.
    • Indian Coast Guard:  We highly militarize our coast guard to make it an un-machable force. We draft 500 million people into it and build a massive fleet to take over the world. The Indian Coast Guard becomes a feared force and is used to invade many countries like Liechtenstein. We do coast guard stuff.
  • Wars and Conflicts:
    • N/A
  • Diplomacy:
    • China: We encourage China to try to defuse tensions in North Korea this Kim guy is getting pretty crazy and could lead to nuclear war, and I really don't think that's good for humanity.  We also think that tensions should be lowered between usand relations improved.  We propose to meet up to talk border conflicts.
    • Myanmar: To be blunt, if you don't stop genociding and discriminating Rohingya in your country we'll declare war on you.
    • Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan: You are asked to join us.  Highly "encouraged".
    • Maldives: We will take care of all your people in case of you sinking.
  • Bangladesh: We should fix our exclaves/enclaves problem.

Kingdom of Norway[]

  • Economy: The economy doesn't have a large growth, it only grows about 0.07%.
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel:  24,418
    • Reserve Personnel: 47,086
  • Wars and Conflicts: None
  • Recent Events: None
  • Activity:
  • We request to purchase the Murmansk Oblast from Russia for 1.5M $, in order to maintain friendship.


  • Politics: Nothing that major happens.
  • Economy: We fund more into infrastructure, and start programs in Tehran and the border to make infrastructure better.
  • Iranian Army:
    • We train more soldiers and send a few to Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
    • Our air force starts to conduct large scale strikes on ISIS, the Syrian rebels, and Hadi forces.
      • Active Personnel: 530,000
      • Reserve Personnel: 350,000
  • Wars and Conflicts: We send soldiers to the Iraqi government, Syrian government, and the Houthi rebels.
  • Diplomacy: We would like to improve relations with Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Qatar.


  • Politics: S O C I A L I S M
  • Economy: In order to make our economy better, we start funding more into less developed, rural areas and build more infrastructure.
  • Demographics: 96 million people (85.7% Vietnamese along with 53 minorities)
  • Military: 
    • Numbers:
      • Land force: 500,000 active, approx 3.1m reserve.
      • Navy: 50,000 sailors & officers, 91 ships 
      • Air Force: 36,000 personnel, 285 aircraft
  • Technology:
    • anything idk
  • Diplo: 
    • PRC: We would like to maintain friendly relations and trading, but please use higher quality stuff to trade.  Also, we ask you to put a solution to the North Korean problem.
    • Myanmar: We request you to stop the discrimination against Rohingya people, or else we will have to take action.
    • ASEAN Nations (mainly Thailand and Laos): We would like to request aid to stop the Rohingya discrimination if Myanmar does not comply.


Myanmar reassures the international community it is not committing any human rights violations towards the Rohingya, but videos submitted over social media beg to differ. They also cite Indian aggression as a violation of their national sovereignty.

ASEAN has confirmed it will take action against Myanmar for their behaviour.

Russia does not want to sell the Murmansk Oblast for a mere 1.5 million.

Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal begin arming themselves in response to what they see as a threat to their sovereignty by India.

Bangladesh accepts the proposals by India in redrawing their borders to make them less cancerous.

North Korea doesn't give a shit towards any nation, testing what looks to be another hydrogen bomb underground, this time more powerful than before.

The PRC begins pressuring North Korea more to cease their bullshit.

Ukrainian forces engage in skirmishes with the pro-Russian Donetsk People's Republic, with Russia looming over this menancingly. It is also noted that Ukraine joins the European Union for defensive purposes.

ISIS is losing ground severely, and has been almost completely ejected from Iraq.

The Syrian government begins actively engaging with the rebels once more, as the thorn of ISIS is being killed off. In a recent event, 182 civilians were killed in several airstrikes, leading to international outcry. Both sides deny responsibility for this.

South Korea begins conducting more military drills in coordination with the United States, while Japan removes Article 9 from their constitution, and builds up a sizable army and navy.

Kingdom of Noregea (Norway)[]

  • Economy: The economy grows about 1.93%.
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel:  27, 625
    • Reserve Personnel: 48,262
    • Wars and Conflicts: None
    • Events:
    • Capital Change
    • A lot of Norwegian people move away from Oslo, causing the largest city to move from Oslo to Bergen. Bergen is also made the capital of the nation.
    • Writing Shift
    • With the new generation, more people start writing in Nynorsk instead of Bokmål, causing Nynorsk to be the official written language.
    • Norwegian Renaming
    • With the written language shift, a lot of words become disputed (along with the name of the country), so they let the people decide. One of the 2 names recommended by Erna Solberg was Nårgea, which was chosen. The name changed in English after this event too and became Noregea (No-re-je-ya).
    • Diplomacy:
  • Russia: If you do not want to sell it for 1.5 million, how much would you sell it for?
  • Germany: Could I join the EU?

Federal Republic of Germany[]

  • Politics: Nothing major
  • Economy: Our econmy grows at 1.9% but Germany aims to get it at 2% by 2020.
  • Military:
    • Numbers:
      • Active personnel 185,000 solders
      • Navy: 81 total naval ships 
      • Air Force: 698 total aircraft.
  • Wars and Conflicts:
    • N/A
  • Diplomacy:
  • Norway: We let you into the EU.
  • ASEAN: We support what you are doing with the Myanmar crisis. If Myanmar shows further acts of injustice we will place sanctions on them through the UN.

United States of America (bad turn)[]

  • Backstory
    • 2018: Donald Trump is facing an impeachment crisis in early 2018 following further investigations from the FBI regarding of the 2016 presidential elections and further condemnation of Trump tweeting alt right tweets out of nowhere in a form of two tweets, which diminished his own approval and international condemnation. However, Sean Hannitty claimed the disapproval was made by left-wingers, Democrats and "libertards" and led to him being fired on May 2018 as his own rhetorical fights and advertisers pulling off from his show went too far for Fox to handle, thus a search for a more centre-right wing commentator was being made. During the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats took foothold of the Senate but the House of Representatives remained mainly as Republican in overall, while Trump which he's now under the Weinstein effect once again after more allegations of him harassing being released into the public on June 2018 which were mainly unheard off, further pushing into a possibility of removal. Then on 7th September, it was found out that a bomb was put in by a left-wing to attempt the killing of Donald Trump and that was too far for him and yet he still survived in the remainder of the year 2018 commanding military drills with South Korea against North Korea and now by the end of the year, Donald Trump is considering to reveal plans to declare war on North Korea and arming nuclear weapons to aim at the city of Pyongyang if they continue "to test nuclear missiles".
  • Government/External Politics
    • Still Narrowly Survived: While Donald Trump's term doesn't end until January 2021, he planned to wage war with North Korea before Election Day and plan for the White House to directly ignore the Senate, blocking any proposals from the Democrat-majority Senate and votes, rigging it to make it in favour of Trump - which could allow him to wage directly war on North Korea even if warnings are in his own way, but many condemn it as unconstitutional. The impeachment process however was still ongoing but there was no vote to get him out of here, while investigations of the 2016 presidential elections were still ongoing.
    • Israel: Due to alienation of relationships with most Muslim countries by now, the United States' government under Trump began indirectly funding Israel on their own settlements after recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 2017 and push Palestinians even further out of the region of what was formerly part of the Palestinian Mandate before the UN Partition Plan.
    • Syria: The United States gradually withdrew troops from Syria to focus on the Middle East "over something else", particularly Israel.
  • Military: Military funding has heavily increased during Trump's administration and the 2018 budget would see that as well. (I would've done a basic list of personnel but I was kind of lazy so)
  • Economy: Corporal tax cuts had led to corporations growing, but looming debt and other overlooked economic events are about to put the weight of the US economy soon and by the early 2020s, the economy of the United States would likely see the stock market crashing again since 2007-08. Unemployment is also at its lowest at the end of 2019.
  • Diplomacy:
    • North Korea: "Rocket Man must stop doing nuclear tests or we'll annilate you in few weeks!" said President Trump.
    • Japan: The United States seemingly praised the end of a peaceful constitution of Japan after 70 years because of tensions with North Korea had escalated in the late 2010s.


  • Politics: S O C I A L I S M
  • Economy: In order to make our economy better, we start funding more into less developed, rural areas and build more infrastructure.

Demographics: 97 million people (85.7% Vietnamese along with 53 minorities)

  • Military:
    • Numbers:
      • Land force: 500,000 active, approx 3.2m reserve.
      • Navy: 50,000 sailors & officers, 91 ships
      • Air Force: 36,000 personnel, 285 aircraft
    • Technology: anything idk
  • Diplo:
    • India: We are looking for a peaceful diplomatic situation with the Myanmar crisis so please cease your warmongering actions. Also, you don't want to be seen as a force from hell in the public eye, no?
    • Myanmar: Again, cease the discrimination activities.
    • US, Japan & South Korea: We would like to enter a technology co-operations pact between us three countries.
  • Rohingya Crisis:
    • We send reporters and photographers to get more solid proof about the situation.

Republic of Korea (former) | Korean State (present)[]

  • Government:
  • Politics:
  • Assassination of President Moon Jae-in: On March 27th, 2019, the president of the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Moon Jae-in was assassinated. In an emergency statement, the Prime Minister, now President, Lee Nak-yeon has declared that emergency elections will be held on the fifth of July.
  • Emergency Elections: The day has come, the fifth of July, 2019. After months of campaigning it seems clear about who the winner will be: Choo Mi-ae of the Democratic Party of Korea. But, it seems that a certain "patriotic party" of Korea has different plans.
  • Transition into a Nationalist State: On the seventeeth of July, only a week after Her Excellency Choo Mi-ae's inauguration, the National Assembly Proceeding Hall is stormed by hundreds of members of the alt-right party, the Korean Patriotic Party. All armed with guns ranging from small handguns to Daewoo K14s, K2s, etc. Being held at gunpoint, without immediate contact with the military due to the "rioters" jamming all cellular and radio devices, they surrender to the KPP. All current members of the National Assembly are replaced with KPP party members, and the presidency is transition from Choo Mi-ae to Kangjon Seung-Hee, the KPP's leader. The title of president is also changed from "President" to "Taewonsu", meaning Grand Marshal [of the State].
  • Laws and Policies:
  • Narcotics: Drugs that are not too damaging to a person or the people, animals, etc. around them are legalized for both medical and person use. This includes mushrooms, ayahuasca, marijuana, and LSD. However, tobacco is completely banned due to its high risk and rate of lung cancer, both to the user and those around them. Another regulation is that those who have visited a bar are not allowed to leave without having a breathalyzer test performed on them.
  • Abortion: Abortion is made strictly. If they do not want their child or do not have the ability to care for the child, they will put it up for adoption. To compensate for this, state-funded adoption agencies are created and funded.
  • Unemployment: In order to compensate for unemployment, many of the unemployed, whether male or female, are forced into working in the military, whether it be active duty or medical, etc.
  • Analytics:
  • Economy: Many new policies are made in economics to improve it. The first policy is to increase interest rates through the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve's rate is the rate at which banks borrow money from the government, but, in order to make money, they must lend it at higher rates. So, when the Federal Reserve increases its interest rate, banks have no choice but to increase their rates as well. When banks increase their rates, less people want to borrow money because it costs more to do so if that money accrues interest. So, spending drops, prices drop and inflation slows. The second method is to increase reserve requirements on the amount of money banks are legally required to keep on hand to cover withdraws. The more money banks are required to hold back, the less they have to lend to consumers. If they have less to lend, consumers will borrow less, which will decrease spending. The third method is to directly or indirectly reduce the money supply by enacting policies that encourage reduction of the money supply. Two examples of this include calling in debts that are owed to the government and increasing the interest paid on bonds so that more investors will buy them. The latter policy raises the exchange rate of the currency due to higher demand and, in turn, increases imports and decreases exports. Both of these policies will reduce the amount of money in circulation because the money will be going from banks, companies and investors pockets and into the government’s pocket where they can control what happens to it.
  • Infrastructure & Public Services:
  • Demographics:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Religion:
  • Gender:
  • Development & Standards of Living:
  • Military:
  • Withdrawal from the Non-Proliferation Treaty: Just like our northern communist counterpart, we have decided to withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Our scientists have already begun drafting blueprints for what a nuclear missile might look like. Taewonsu Kjeong has made a statement saying that we do not plan on using the bomb for offensive purposes, but rather deterring North Korea.
  • Wars and Conflicts:
  • Korean War (June 25, 1950 - ???):
  • Korean Armed Forces:
  • Korean Army: The Army consists of:
  • 927,000 active soldiers
  • 6,278,048 reserve soldiers
  • 2,856 tanks
  • 3,028 armoured fighting vehicles
  • 2,183 self-propelled artillery
  • 5,729 towed artillery
  • 235 rocket projectors
  • Korean Maritime Force: The Maritime Force consists of:
  • 532,000 active soldiers
  • 205,000 reserve soldiers
  • 1 aircraft carrier
  • 14 frigates
  • 13 destroyers
  • 16 corvettes
  • 17 submarines
  • 73 patrol craft
  • 12 mine warfare vessels
  • Korean Air Force: The Air Force consists of:
  • 200,000 active soldiers
  • 85,000 reserve soldiers
  • 452 fighter aircraft
  • 489 attack aircraft
  • 370 transport aircraft
  • 290 trainer aircraft
  • 92 attack helicopters
  • Diplomacy:
  • Vietnam: We don't make deals with communists.


Russia declares they will sell the Murmansk Oblast for 10 million USD.

Journalists report of the Rohingya being taken to apparent shelter camps, but escapists report otherwise, with forced labor and violence being part of the many horrors they experience within these camps.

Myanmar further denies the conditions of the Rohingya in these camps, saying they are legitimate welfare camps.

The Arab states express their discontent with the recent decisions of the United States in what may be an act to suspect them of threatening Israel, as well as the new conditions of the Syrian Civil War.

North Korea launches another missile test, this time directly over South Korea. It tells South Korea that their nuclear arsenal is far better than they could ever come up with.

Ukraine and the Donetsk People's Republic officially are at war. Russia continues to supply its puppet state with weapons and supplies, ignoring whatever Ukraine says.

Japan builds up an impressive navy and land force in a matter of months, comprised of mostly American units.

The Syrian government makes larger gains in their civil war, fueled by the American withdrawal.

Kingdom of Noregea (Norway)[]

  • Economy: The economy grows more after joining the EU, at about 3.03%.
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel:  29,104
    • Reserve Personnel: 50,047
  • Wars and Conflicts: None
  • Events: None
  • Diplomacy:
    • Russia: OK, we will buy it for 10.3 million.
    • Germany: We should help Ukraine with the war going on, they are a member of the EU. I'm giving you 1000$ and 400 troops for the war, in case Donetsk gets close to the capital.
    • Ukraine: I suggest moving your capital to Lviv, closer to EU and NATO forces.

United States of America[]

  • Government
    • North Korea: The United States of America begins planning an invasion on North Korea by themselves, although Trump wasn't confident it'll be done well so he continued to do rhetorical threats against North Korea and their leader Kim Jong-un and have the US military begin preparing their missiles to aim at North Korea should North Korea wage war according to Trump, along with the preparation of any missile attacks (particularly intercontinental missiles) on Hawaii, Alaska and the West Coast due to heightened threat.
    • Israel: With Trump re-elected, the US heavy support for Israel is unlikely to stop despite global warnings.
    • Election Day: The 2020 presidential elections was much divided, many people want Trump out of office but there are some Republican supporters who are willing to vote for the Democrats instead because they see Trump as "illegitimate", particularly those in the urban areas. Elizabeth Warren, a senator from Massachusetts became the Democratic presidential candidate sometime in March and was defeated in that election, with President Trump re-elected just narrowly with 271 electoral college votes. However Trump became even more radicalised on 2020, promising "a war against North Korea, aided by allies" during his second term.
    • Radical Trump: The United States is out of the Paris Agreement signed in 2015, which was meant to target a lower goal of greenhouse emissions by 2020. Trump is also considering to block any attempts made by the FBI onto the 2020 presidential elections, if they were rigged by Russia or not because he had miraculously secured 271 votes when Warren should've gotten enough voters to secure her place. (America is basically an oligarchy with the electoral college .-.)
  • Military: Budget remains relatively the same under the Trump administration while there were calls for many to slash the military budget by 40% to be done to other means such as welfare but they were ignored due to the threat of North Korea that Trump had hyped along.
  • Economy: Still growing but there's a risk that the economic bubble of the United States will burst by the 2024 presidential elections or the 2022 midterms at its earliest.
  • Technology:
    • Railgun (US Navy): Researched.
    • Space: Trump launches a plan to get a man on the Moon before 2025 and yet the budget of NASA is barely $25 billion for the 2020 budget which isn't enough for them to launch a man on the Moon once again since 1972 while SpaceX isn't really affiliated with the government (and is owned by a very rich person) and the US government doesn't intend to force on them anyway. So NASA had to force themselves to drop their own climate observation, which the Republican Party would intend to cut down climate research on NASA as they are one of the strongest deniers since Trump was inaugurated in office to look forward to space.
  • Diplomacy: Trump's rhetorical moves got even worse.
    • South Korea: Because they have went away with nationalism, we decided that the United States will handle North Korea on OUR own situation. Unless you want us to be in the game, then we will handle our own instead.
    • Japan: We ask if we can conduct military drills against North Korea (in the sea of course) and potentially help us on the run to overthrow the government of North Korea and replace them with another government.


  • Politics: S O C I A L I S M
  • Economy: In order to make our economy better, we start funding more into less developed, rural areas and build more infrastructure. GDP growth is approx. 6.3%

Demographics: 98 million people (85.7% Vietnamese along with 53 minorities)

  • Military:
    • Numbers:
      • Land force: 500,000 active, approx 3.2m reserve.
      • Navy: 50,000 sailors & officers, 91 ships
      • Air Force: 36,000 personnel, 285 aircraft
    • Technology: anything idk
  • Diplo:
    • India: Cease your warmongering actions against Myanmar. Your actions will not be tolerated.
    • ASEAN: We propose designating an area to relocate the Rohingya people, as letting them stay under Myanmar soil won't help.

Korean State[]

  • Government:
  • Politics:
  • The Taewonsu's Speech: "The weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer, they are putting your regime in grave danger," Kjeong said during an address at the Korean State's National Assembly in Seoul. "Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face.
  • Laws and Policies:
  • Analytics:
  • Economy: Improving as much as it can, especially with recent policies.
  • Infrastructure & Public Services:
  • Demographics:
  • Ethnicity: Mostly Korean.
  • Religion: Mostly Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, etc.
  • Gender: Close enough to a 50/50 split between the two genders.
  • Development & Standards of Living: Working on it.
  • Military:
  • Nuclear Weapons: The first
  • Wars and Conflicts:
  • Korean War (June 25, 1950 - ???): Many more soldiers are stationed on the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea, including anti-aircraft guns and anti-ballistic missiles used to shoot down any possible nuclear weapons launched by North Korea.
  • Korean Armed Forces:
  • Korean Army: The Army consists of:
  • 1,092,000 active soldiers
  • 6,378,048 reserve soldiers
  • 2,901 tanks
  • 3,732 armoured fighting vehicles
  • 2,472 self-propelled artillery
  • 5,938 towed artillery
  • 246 rocket projectors
  • Korean Maritime Force: The Maritime Force consists of:
  • 540,000 active soldiers
  • 223,000 reserve soldiers
  • 1 aircraft carrier
  • 14 frigates
  • 13 destroyers
  • 17 corvettes
  • 18 submarines
  • 76 patrol craft
  • 13 mine warfare vessels
  • Korean Air Force: The Air Force consists of:
  • 210,000 active soldiers
  • 95,000 reserve soldiers
  • 479 fighter aircraft
  • 517 attack aircraft
  • 389 transport aircraft
  • 311 trainer aircraft
  • 98 attack helicopters
  • Diplomacy:
  • United States: Seung-hee requests that the United States does not handle North Korea, "on its own accord" as that would likely lead to many nukes being dropped on South Korea and Japan, due to North Korea being in closer proximity to both compared to the United States. Seung-hee also states that we are not a "nationalist state", but rather a "right-wing" nation trying to protect itself from its crazed neighbors.
  • North Korea: In a speech that hundreds of thousands of people attended in person, let alone those who watched on television, Seung-hee made a statement that North Korea will soon come to an end. Should the Kim regime attack South Korea, they will be met with the hell of a thousand dogs as a South Korean counterattack would cripple their army.
  • Japan: We may not have been the best of friends the past few years, but there is a threat that could eradicate us both. We request that joint military drills be held between us.
  • Vietnam: We realize that while you may have been 'communist', or, say, socialist, but we request that you adopt a more democratic form of government, whether it have a system like us, the United States, or even European countries.


Russia sells the Murmansk Oblast to Norway for 10.3 million USD.

Ukraine moves its capital to Lviv.

Japan pledges support to the United States and South Korea in removing the threat of North Korea.

ASEAN holds a conference to decide on the relocation of the Rohingya, but cannot decide on a specific location. Myanmar's suggestions to move them into an island aren't helping any bit.

Military drills occur between Japan, the United States and Vietnam in the Pacific and South China Sea.

Unrest grows in the Arab World.

The rebel forces in Syria have lost 60% of their territory since the Russians increased support for Bashar al-Assad. Many blame the Western World for not helping the army in restoring democracy.

North Korea test launches a missile which accidentally hits a Malaysia Airlines planes, killing everyone on board as it erupts into an inferno. This causes international outcry, with some seeing it as a declaration of war, while others chalking it up to the list of times Malaysian aircraft got their ass handed to them.

Kingdom of Noregea (Norway)[]

  • Economy: The economy grows more after joining the EU, at about 4%.
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel:  29,138
    • Reserve Personnel: 49,183
  • Wars and Conflicts: None
  • Events: None
  • Diplomacy:
    • Sweden, Denmark: I think we shound make our alliance a military alliance too, with the wars down south. We can support each other.
    • Ukraine: I'm sending some troops, they should arrive soon.

United States of America[]

  • Government and Politics: Trump's White House becomes even more radicalised as a result of the re-election into presidency and boycotted any efforts of the Senate repealing Trump's "radical policies and laws" that were signed by him. Impeachment once again goes into the play again as Trump is abusing even more power.
    • North Korea: Despite the current South Korean government trying to have the United States not interfering local affairs, Trump ignored the message and when interviewed about it he said the words to reporters: "We are fine about our position, there's nothing to worry about. I've got Japan to help out on a military drill against North Korea." They also continued to install multiple anti-ballistic missile systems in the West Coast, Alaska, Hawaii and most of their overseas territories such as Guam and responded to the plane attack "being reckless", thus they began putting in a blockade on their eastern coast by sending in USS Carl Vinson and few ships into the Sea of Japan to "attack any missiles going towards the sea", intensifying the conflict and the North Korean crisis started up by Trump.
    • Israel: The Trump administration still supports Israeli settlements and position of Jerusalem.
    • Libertarian Party: The third party and more well significant than others, the Libertarian Party is now expected to start gaining a seat in the House of Representatives in a two party system but probably not in the Senate however and there were even calls for a reform of democracy and voting system being held in the United States. The Trump administration refuses for a change to the way the election works, even during presidential elections.
    • "Is Paris too late?": In an unexpected announcement, Trump had announced that the United States would come back to the Paris Agreement only if such conditions specified for them keep the American economy going and thriving despite a growing amount of debt, risking an economic bubble burst next year as some sceptics say on July 2021. (NPC response required, please)
  • Military: The military budget stabilises somehow, meaning that the budget of an estimated $610 billion dedicated to the military for research and other necessities have stopped gaining more money. However, there were alleged plans of slashing the military budget to 550 billion and relocate it mostly to space research and welfare as Trump decided to push for infrastructure revival in his second term towards the "declining" Midwest.
    • 1,470,000 active personnel
    • 1,100,000 reserve personnel
  • Economy: While the Dow Jones index score had reached 30,000 for the first time in history, this would likely all come down when the economic bubble that has being grown rapidly during Trump's term in the presidential office, which could lead to mass unemployment. Economists and other politicians are scrambling to divert the US economy out of another potential stock crash but they will eventually find out that the inevitable will always happen and delaying the economic bubble from bursting would mean it'll only get worse.
  • Technology and Research
    • Space: With NASA only having a set budget of $25.5 billion for the 2021 budget, they are now fully focused on landing a man on the moon with the lander being built in a matter of few months, which would be able to have at least three crew members stay and sustain themselves for about few days with essentials such as water but there will be not a lot of storage for food in long term to conduct a month long research as they are trying to get their hands on returning to the Moon since 1972. Trump said that "it'll be a great leap to Mars if they're successful". Now the processing and long-term development of rockets begin.
    • Other technologies: Modern technologies such as the rise of internet television (say Netflix for example), fifth generation of mobile networks and even smart speakers are starting to take over the US market and daily lives in the early 2020s and it is expected that internet television would overtake satellite television by 2026 at earliest.
  • Diplomacy:
    • China: The United States seemingly had a grudge on the move after satellite images show unusual activities in the border of North Korea, which made Trump becoming even more suspicious of them potentially taking over the world through soft power (but the United States is less interventionist in the Middle East since Trump took over)
    • North Korea: Trump called out in a fury of tweets "that Rocket Man is going to suffer the wrath" and messages towards the North Korean regime.
    • South Korea: (see Government and Politics: North Korea)
    • Israel: A stack worth $5 billion is proposed to be sent to Israel to fund their settlements even further despite Palestinian persecution. It would be sent next year but there is a likely chance of Arab outrage while Israel under a right-wing party would still live on as a stable state.


  • Politics: We now enact a "Democratic Policy", allowing a second major party to be elligible for elections.
  • Economy: In order to make our economy better, we start funding more into less developed, rural areas and build more infrastructure. GDP growth is approx. 6.4%

Demographics: 99 million people (85.7% Vietnamese along with 53 minorities)

  • Military:
    • Numbers:
      • Land force: 500,000 active, approx 3.4m reserve.
      • Navy: 51,000 sailors & officers, 91 ships
      • Air Force: 36,000 personnel, 285 aircraft
    • Technology: anything idk
  • Diplo:
    • India: Cease your warmongering actions against Myanmar. Your actions will not be tolerated.
    • ASEAN: We probably could use one of our islands (or island chains) to relocate them, and ensure they have enough protection and aid.
    • Korean State: Is allowing a second party ok for you yet?

People's Republic of China[]

  • Government: The Social Credit System (otherwise known as Sesame Credit on western media) that was conceived by the government and AliBaba nearly one decade ago has entered its first phase and is now being implemented all over the country. The system rates a citizen's actions by awarding credits when they favor the government, this includes things such as following official news media, buying local products, defending the government on social media, among others. If successful, this system will ensue absolute control over our citizens in the near future.
  • Politics: Xi Jinping has decided that it's time to counter our nation's enemies and to defend our interests. We become increasingly combative on international issues, especially those regarding our region. Within the country not much changes, the Communist Party continues to keep the reins of the country.
  • Economy: Apparently the entire globe is having a sudden economic surge since all the GDPs are rising despite the overall confliction and unstable situation of the world. Therefore, thanks to this historic economic miracle, our economy somehow still manages to stay the biggest (or second biggest, depending of your source), with our GDP rising 3.9% (because that's a reasonable number right?).
  • Conflicts:
    • Operation Wucheraria (North Korea): North Korea is invaded on January 20th after they failed to fulfill our demands multiple times (among those demands there was a petition to stop their nuclear program). War wasn't officially declared and the entire operation has been carried with extreme caution. The operation began when 50,000 little green men crossed the border into North Korea. Shooting and actual attacks were avoided and reduced to a minimum, with the only objective being to secure a position in the border. In the end, the border town of Onsong was occupied. Troops did not invade further south, reducing the occupied area to some square kilometers. As part of this operation, the capture of North Korean disidents ceased, and all the anti-aircraft and anti-missile were activated. The air force was also mobilized. All of this was done to stop any incoming nuclear warheads from North Korea.
    • Operation Rhabdovirus (India and Myanmar): Seeing how India has illegally invaded Myanmar, we decide to intervene in favour of the government. 300,000 troops are sent into the battlefront, pushing the Indians back to the border (it is worth mentioning that we won't advance into Indian territory). Borders are secured to prevent an Indian counterattack (although such an attack is unlikely due to it being made up of mountain ranges). Formal negotiations for peace begin shortly after the operation.
  • Military: The military is being increased and upgraded, although there isn't an specific goal or priority right now. For partial (and outdated) stats, see this.
    • Railgun: We steal the USA's idea and start developing our own.
  • Diplomacy:
    • India: We demand you to stop the illegal aggression against Myanmar and to contain your expansionist urges on Sri Lanka, Buthan and Nepal. If you do so, we will make a compromise to pay for war reparations. You must also allow us to reach a consensus along with Myanmar in order to solve the Rohingya issue.
    • USA, Korean State, Japan: We understand and we share your concern towards North Korea's nuclear program, it is clear that they've gone completely mad ever since the Malaysia Airlines incidents. This is why we decided to execute a containment operation, which consists of a preventive strike on the border. Now that we've got the advantage, we will try to establish talks with the Kim regime in order to convince them of discontinuing their nuclear program. For now, we'll take care of it, but if talks become a failure, you are invited to join in a coalition against North Korea.
    • North Korea: You clearly screwed yourself with the entire nuclear program thing. You have no chances of surviving in a direct war against the West, and using these nukes to harm South Korea would be pointless as your nation would no longer exist. Therefore, your only chance of living is to stop your nuclear program inmediately and to lower your rhetoric to a minimum. Do this, or you'll lose all our support and we'll advance further in our invasion.
    • Myanmar: I think you're intelligent enough to realize that our support is not a goodwill act. We want you to relocate the Rohingya into our territory, we'll take care of them. This will get rid of the drama caused by the international community, and it will also allow you to stop worrying about them. We also want permission to build military bases in your country. Fulfill these conditions, or we'll withdraw our support.
    • Vietnam: Friendly reminder that keeping a socialist government allows you to have more control over your citizens and that changing to democracy within a short amount of time will only waste money and cause more instability within your nation.
    • Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka: Military equipment is sent, along with a couple of millions of dollars in funding. They are encouraged to arm themselves further in order to protect themselves from India.


North Korea announces they will end their nuclear program, in order to keep China happy and their support from the nation flowing.

Several Arab states enact small but noticeable changes to their oil exports, specifically redirecting oil going to the United States to other countries that better suit their agenda.

Myanmar announces they will relocate some of the Rohingya Muslims to China, and a total of 7,000 have made their way there so far. However, disturbing reports on genocidal activities have been leaked, further staining Burmese reputation.

China's defense of Myanmar from the Indian invasion sends tensions between the two regional powers rising. Re-ignition of the Sino-Indian border disputes fan the flames further as China is accused of stationing troops on sovereign Indian territory whilst engaging in Operation Rhabdovirus.

Sweden and Denmark agree to the Norwegian offer for alliance, and form the Scandinavian Regional Security Council, which is joined by Finland and Iceland shortly after.

Debates have been made public in Vietnam on the subject of potential democratisation of the state, which is in turn spread to Laos and Cambodia.

Kingdom of Noregea (Norway)[]

  • Economy: The economy significantly drops after the Trondheim Earthquake, -6.43%.
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel:  30,284
    • Reserve Personnel: 49,014
  • Wars and Conflicts: None
  • Events:
    • Operation Svalbard: The uninhabited icy areas within Svalbard are shipped to mainland Norway, later to be melted and create fresh water. The fresh water is donated to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, in case of a major invasion on the mainland, so they can purchase some land there.
    • The Trondheim Earthquake/Tsunami: An earthquake of 7.3 on the Richter Scale hits right off the coast of South-Central Norway, causing 4 injuries, but no deaths. About 15 minutes later, a tsunami struck the area, sending the cities of Trondheim and Rørvik underwater, crushing the country's economy. About 111,000 either died or were left homeless by the tsunami. Causing;
    • The Norwegian Migration: Due to the Trondheim Tsunami, a lot of people living by the coast were scared of losing their lives to a similar one. People living on the coast starting moving to cities further away from the ocean. Because of this, the population of Oslo skyrocketed, followed by Sjoa, Hamar and Sorli.
  • Diplomacy:
    • SRSC: Can you help us? We got hit by a major tsunami.
    • Ukraine: Are you holding out alright?

Republic of Turkey[]

  • Government:
  • Military:
    • Turkish Armed Forces:
      • Turkish Land Forces: This year the Turkish Land Forces are mostly attempting at increasing the number of tanks and manage to make it up to 3,000 tanks. Besides the tanks the AFV's are also increased with the Turkish Land Forces reaching a total of 11,350 AFV's. While the proces of increasing the Artillery has been slow the Turkish Land Forces are mainly focusing with Tanks, however next year it will likely be the Artillery the main focus as those are the Turkish Defenses.
        • Troops:
          • 430,000 Active Personnel
          • 390,000 Reserve Personnel
        • Land Equipment:
          • 3,000 Combat Tanks
          • 11,350 Armored Fighting Vehicles
          • 1,050 Self-Propelled Artillery
          • 700 Towed Artillery
          • 820 Rocket Projectors
      • Turkish Naval Forces: The Turkish Naval Forces invest more money in creating new Destroyers in order to have more successful battles. However, there is also one Aircraft Carrier currently being developed and it will be stationed in the city of Izmir once its done, which it is projected to be finished by 2023.
        • 5 Destroyers
        • 20 Frigates
        • 10 Corvettes
        • 15 Submarines
        • 40 Patrol Craft
        • 15 Mine Warfere Vessels
      • Turkish Air Force: The main focus of the Turkish Air Force as of now is transport, since through the air it is a lot more quicker and efficient than by going by land or by sea, the Transport numbers reach 600 by the end of the year and the Turkish Air Force is looking to duplicate that number by 2023.
        • 300 Fighter Aircraft
        • 300 Attack Aircraft
        • 600 Transport Aircraft
        • 300 Trainer Aircraft
        • 500 Helicopters
        • 80 Attack Helicopters
  • Conflicts:
    • Turkish Liberation of Northern Cyprus: With no ther countries recognizing Northern Cyprus as its own country, Turkey decides to invade Cyprus in order to incorporate Northern Cyprus back into Turkey. In January, 25,000 troops enter through Northern Cyprus and enter Southern Nicosia, the Cypriot capital. Which is quickly annexed due to the low population of Nicosia plus a blockade being made by the Turkish Naval Forces. The rest of Cyprus is swiftly occupied within just 2 weeks. In March, Turkey annexes Northern Cyprus while the rest of Cyprus is turned into a Turkish vassal.
  • Economy:
  • Diplomacy:
    • Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia: The Turkish Government proposes an alliance between all 6 nations as a way to preserve Turkic Culture and Mongolian Heritage. This alliance would be called the Turkic Pact and it would be a Military, Economical and Political alliance which will protect every nation in the alliance from foreign invaders while strengthening themselves.
    • Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina: Although they are not of Turkic or Mongol culture they are invited into the Turkic Pact, as they are Muslim majority nations in Europe with influences from the Ottoman Empire. If they do join the Turkic Pact they will be granted with the same benefits as the other members.
    • India: An alliance request is sent to India, and the Turkish Government are whiling to help India in any big war they have if they do accept the alliance offer.

Burkina Faso[]

  • Economy: Not Bad (In 8%)
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel: 24,659
    • Reserve Personnel: 39,993
  • Wars and Conflicts: Northern Mali Conflict(?)
  • Events:
    • A New Secret Group has Appeared:
      • A type of unofficial(?) party(?) was found. It was believed the name was "Thomans Party of Burkina Faso" named after the leader of the party "Thomas Bassole" as he created his own ideology "Thomaism" which is in the ideas of Thomas's own beliefs of a nation. A soverign leader. mixed with socialism. nationalism. and making their own central banks as not owned by the Rothschild. etc. their place is somewhere in Brazil. a secret bunker of which. with plans and stuff. What will their future be? Will they knock down the government of Burkina Faso? Or is it gonna fail to try?
    • 2022/2023 Red Volta Shooting:
      • On the morning of December 31 2022. 15 gunmans opened fire in a crowd of Mosses at 2 villages in Central Burkina Faso. leaving 15 people dead and 321 injured, Most of the mosses were running away helpless from their homes and most of them are now homeless. The government of Burkina Faso is investigating about the tragedy at this time.
  • Diplomacy:
    • None yet.

Sultanate of Oman (Former) l Omani Technocracy (New)[]

  • Government:
    • Change to Technocracy: The Omani Nation had focused on expanding into the tech sector, taking an example from nations like South Korea and Japan, in an attempt to diversify the economy. However, after the Sultan passed away, a power vacuum had formed. With the lack of an heir to the throne, the people had no leader. A group of the most influential Omani scientists and technicians were elected as the leaders of the nation in a historic election. This group, the Technocratic Society, had the backing of 81.6% of the population.
    • Government System: The Government is run by a parliament of elected leaders. While anyone could be elected, the Technocratic Society has enough backing that they practically control the parliament. The Parliament consists of about 130 leaders, elected by the people in elections that take place every 4 years. The top 130 people in terms of votes in the elections are sent to the parliament, with the top one being the parliament speaker.
    • Act 1-1, The Incentivised Employment Act: Employed people get a small bonus to working and get free low-level healthcare. On the other hand, unemployment benefits are reduced. This is part of the "Perfect Employment Plan" or PEP. It is a 5-year plan to reduce Unemployment to the bare minimum.
    • Act 1-2, The Domestic Reliance Act: Domestic Businesses get incentivised to produce more and rely on domestic manufacturing to grow. This allows for the Economy to grow and for our firms to reduce reliance on foreign goods, which allows us to survive sanctions and allows us to export more, and to use our local resources to their maximum efficiency.
    • Act 1-3, The Domestic Military Act: While our economy grows, the nation would be useless without a good military. Taking a page out of Iran's book, we start manufacturing domestic military weapons. We set up 3 Air Force companies: Dhofair Team, Eagle Aviation, Salalah Aero Corporation. We also set up 2 Naval Companies: The Pearl of Muscat Team, Al-Said Naval. Land Warfare Weaponry is produced by the Qaboos Corporation. We also emphasise on Missiles, produced by the Technocratic Aerospace, another state-owned company.
    • Act 1-4, The Tech Evolution Act: Our Scientific Capabilities shy in the face of other nations. To make the difference, our government decides to build a few universities and schools that are free for nationals that earn low incomes. We also start upgrading much of the main cities with technology. This Act is part of the 10-year development plan.
  • Military:
    • Land Force:
      • Combat Tanks: 117
      • AFV: 950
      • Self-Propelled Artillery: 15
      • Towed Artillery: 168
      • Rocket Projectors: 12
    • Navy:
      • Corvettes: 5
      • Patrol Craft: 8
    • Air Force:
      • Fighter: 17
      • Attack: 37
      • Transport: 63
      • Trainer: 27
      • Helicopter: 52
  • Operations:
    • Operation Hadhramout: By accusing the Al-Qaeda Forces in the East of Yemen of attacking our nation and killing 3 border guards, we attack the Al-Qaeda positions with half of our land force, 75% of out Air Force and all our corvettes. Since Yemen is war-torn and has no actual government at this point, we expect no one to respond aggressively. We start building settlements in this part of Yemen and effectively occupy it.
    • Operation Houthi: The Houthis, while we are neutral towards them, have shown some impressive advancements in missile technology. We send an approved UN Aid Team to Sanaa, with 3 Loyal-to-us Yemeni Agents, to meet with the Houthis and establish some secret relations. This is presented under the guise of us trying to establish peace by meeting with both parties of the Yemen War.
    • Operation Free World: We send secret delegates to Turkey, Iran, Kuwait, Tunisia, Iraq, Syria and Palestine to discuss relations. We also send 50 Million Dollars to the West Bank to build settlements near Israeli Settlements.
  • Technology:
    • Modification of F-16: Our fleet of F-16 Fighters is slowly being modernised by our Air Force Companies, changing them into powerful, more advanced aircraft. They shall be changed from F-16 to DT-1. Out of our 17 F-16s, 4 have been modified, with better radars, better weaponry, and more advanced controlling.
    • Development of the Sultan Main Battle Tank: The Qaboos Corporation has started the design of a new Omani Main Battle tank to be completed in 2 years.
    • Development of the SAC T-1: The Salalah Air Corporation has started the designing of a Transport Aircraft that uses Solar Power and Electric Generators to Increase Efficiency. This Technology is planned to be showcased in 3 years.
    • The Ballistic Missile Testing: The Technocratic Aerospace has started testing Ballistic Missile shells and is making small gains to making their own variant of a Missile.
    • The Solar-Hydrogen Electrical Cell Technology: The SHECT or better known as the Hybrid Transport Technology, the HTT, is a bus service starting to be produced to reduce emissions. This Type of Bus will start production next year.
  • Economy:
    • Diversification: Our Economy is being diversified to reduce our dependence on oil
  • Production:
    • Domestic Protectionism: Reduction in Foreign Imports by imposing tariffs, and increased reliance on domestic goods and production.
  • Diplomacy:
    • Turkey: We want to increase relations. Also, would you be prepared to start a military drill with us?
    • Iran: We want to increase relations and help each other with domestic weapons production. Also, would you be prepared to start a military drill with us?
    • Kuwait: We want to increase relations. Also, would you be prepared to start a military drill with us?
    • Iraq: We want to increase relations. Also, would you be prepared to start a military drill with us?
    • Syria: We want to increase relations. Also, would you be prepared to start a military drill with us? We will also help your nation establish peace talks with the rebels on good terms and influence them into a peace.
    • Tunisia: We want to increase relations.
    • Myanmar: We regret your actions, please refrain from mass genocide
    • India: Increase in Trade?
    • China: We thank you for taking the Rohingya in your lands. However, you should agree that Myanmar's actions against them were incorrect. We would be happy to set up peace talks between India, Myanmar and China. Also, we would like to help build a settlement or two for the Rohingya.

Islamic Republic of Iran[]

  • Government:
    • Post-2021 Election: By the elections of 2021, the call for a change of leadership has swept the nation of Iran, particularly amongst the Principalists and Anti-establishment against the more moderate Reformists. Many Principalists and Reformist parties had formed their own coalitions - ending up with basically two major  pseudo-parties within the Iranian system. Abdol Estafahni of the Principalists were swept in from their election against the Reformists, largely blaming the recession on the Reformist's inability to prevent it.
    • Rise of Coalition parties:  The government became divided into two coalition parties, the Reformists (centrists/moderates) and the Principalists (conservatives/traditionalists). Most Leftist elements in the government were actually outlawed in Iran by the 2020s, but many leftist opposition parties in exile saw the economic reccession as a perfect opportunity to try to gain support amongst the population.
  • Military: In recent years, the Iranian government states that it has self-sufficiency in essential military hardware and defense systems. Tehran established an arms development program during the Iran-Iraq war to counter the weapons embargo imposed on it by the US and its Western allies. Since 1992, Iran has manufactured its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles, radars, boats, submarines, unmanned aerial vehicles, and fighter planes. A new military budget for the next 10 years was introduced by President Estafahni in 2022, detailing the expansion of military power and establishment of military police within Iran's borders to help protect and contain against protestors and opposing entities.
  • Economy:
    • 2021 Nationwide Recession: On January 29, 2021, the Chinese occupation of parts of North Korea has caused a 'global' anxiety to beset amongst the people of the world. Iran markets alone has been pushed down in the past years due to a short reccession that occured in iran for over half a decade. This has caused worsening relations amongst the population and federal government, with opposition slowly gaining more control.
  • Diplomacy: Iran still maintains a hardline stance against infringing elements conducted by any Western entities within the Middle-east. In 2021, Iran became increasingly more interested in particiption of Middle-eastern affairs, increasingly seeing itself as it's natural protector.
    • Oman: Historically, we have had many deals with each other before. Many of those ended w/ both sides in good favors. We shall accept this, for now.

United States of America[]

  • Government and Politics
    • Midterms: The Democrats lost the Senate finally on 2022 midterms and the Republicans took a hold of 52 Senators in contrast to 48 Democratic Senators after the midterms. This allowed Trump to have the Senate do whatever he desired to reform laws such as tax reforms and the end of Obamacare once and for all before his second and final term ends.
    • Puerto Rico: A referendum was passed for the commonwealth based in Puerto Rico to become "the 51st state" and results will be announced in January 2023 while the rest of the people living in the commonwealth vote whether they should either be independent by their own choice, become a state or remain as a commonwealth (will contain bias next turn)
    • ”We don't recognize North Korea's status”: The United States issued that their travel ban on North Korea will remain the same since September 2017 for ordinary Americans and that they will not withdraw their blockade in the Sea of Japan. All missile defences are still in place should a North Korean missile be launched and yet the United States were the only state to be highly sceptical about the North Korean government "laying off their boots on nuclear testing".
    • Paris Agreement: The United States will begin setting its own goals (mainly set up by Democrats before midterms turn backwards with a Republican majority) as the United Nations wouldn't likely care about a climate denier. But at least Trump is partially satisfied of having his own way, but negotiating with Democrats of course, which hindered some Republicans' approval of him.
    • Israel(See Diplomacy)
  • Military: Military budget is cut back to $550 billion due to "excess surplus" and there was enough budget to keep military research going.
  • Economy:
    • 2022 Economic Bubble: As the economic bubble blew up since Trump's inauguration as President of the United States in 2017, finally at midterms, the economic bubble exploded with many economists fared it'll happen like the late 2000s. Stock market has dipped back to 26,000, one of the worst since that time and yet the unemployment level had grown once again as a result of this stock crash. Now the Untied States is setting their own goals to make sure they "prevent something like this again for the next twenty years".
  • Technology
    • Space: They finally prepared everything to go back to the Moon once again (at least if you don't count the unexpected delay). The United States, after about five decades since they stopped landing a man on the Moon multiple times has decided to return three people and bring back multiple samples but due to multiple delays which disappointed NASA and residents a lot in anticipation, the launch date is now around sometime in late 2023 with extra precautions being taken care of by multiple engineers and astronauts.
  • Diplomacy: Trump’s diplomatic policy in the Middle East further isolates them from international affairs however they become even more sensitive to Turkish aggression in Cyprus.
    • Turkey: The United States issues economic sanctions over the aggression against the internationally recognised state of Cyprus and demand withdrawal from the buffer zone and further south. This also means they have to withdraw all of their holdings on Cyprus, including their full occupation in the Republic of Cyprus or they will begin military operations within the Middle East once again. Trump suddenly cuts ties with Turkey by withdrawing their embassy on 8th November and calls for the aggression against the nation of Cyprus to be taken seriously for Greece and extended the refugee ban signed by Trump in 2017 to Turkey as well. (They won’t get 5.4% of imports from us, but I doubt China will follow in)
    • Greece: The United States diplomatically pressures Greece not to let them take over the Aegean Islands as it'll not solve their financial crisis and will only lead to overpowering of Erdogan's dictatorship. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson however demanded the United States from refraining a full invasion of Cyprus but Trump decided to ignore that and wants Greece to take the occupation of Cyprus seriously. Any chance of giving them the Aegean Islands will result in "economic disparity".
    • Israel$7.5 billion package is sent to Israel to further fund military and settlements to get rid of the Palestinian administration in the West Bank by pushing more aggressive settlement expansion (and maybe also the Gaza Strip).
    • North Korea: (See Government and Politics)
    • India: “We’ll be fine,” Trump said indirectly to India. However the United States is keeping an eye on Sino-Indian borders as border conflicts arise, however sanctioning China means a huge economic turndown so they won’t directly influence the area at that point.


Demographics: 100 million people (85.7% Vietnamese along with 53 minorities)

  • Politics
    • Democratization of the State: The Second Party (who cares what their name is) begins to gain in popularity, however, the Socialist Party is still the dominant party. We also enact numerous decrees to keep the process slow and stable, to avoid any possible outbreak of rebellion.
  • Economy: In order to make our economy better, we start funding more into less developed, rural areas and build more infrastructure. GDP growth is approx. 6.3%
  • Military:
    • Numbers:
      • Land force: 500,000 active, approx 3.5m reserve.
      • Navy: 51,000 sailors & officers, 91 ships
      • Air Force: 36,000 personnel, 285 aircraft
  • Technology: anything idk
  • Constructions: Finishing of metro systems in major cities. 
  • Diplo:
    • Oman: Since you are now a technocracy, we would like to make a research pact with your nation.
  • Rohingya Crisis: We made a statement that we will take in a certain percentage of the remaining Rohingya population and build a settlement for them, yet we seek for aid, at least minimal, from other nations to support them, as this is an international issue.


The Turkic Pact is a thing now. Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina also join.

Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Tunisia accept Oman's proposal.

Greece maintains their sovereignty over any territories the Turks eye.

North Korea announces their final nuclear test, in which 12 Taeopodong missiles are fired at once. In an either unprecedented or predictable move, all 12 are actual missile attacks carrying nuclear payloads. American, South Korean and Japanese defenses activate, shooting down 7 over the Sea of Japan. Unfortunately, the Japanese city of Nagoya is hit, along with the American Guam and Oahu, as well as South Korean Daegu and Haenam.

Shortly after their missile test, North Korea declares that if no one is behind them, then no one will be spared their fury. Seoul is shelled by North Korean artillery as the Korean War reignites. In an almost blitzkreig fashion, they cross the DMZ and overrun the northern cities, implementing their arsenal of chemical weapons.

The Rohingya are completely evacuated from Myanmar, however Myanmar is still looked upon as an unfavorably genocidal state.

Tensions between Israel and Palestine rise yet again, fanned by their respective supporters and allies.

Neighbouring nations' opinion on Turkish aggressive expansion -40.

The Syrian government declares victory over the rebel factions, as the opposition is cornered at the borders of Syria.

Kingdom of Noregea (Norway)[]

  • Economy: The economy drops because of the effects the Trondheim Earthquake, -6.43%.
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel:  31,672
    • Reserve Personnel: 49,782
    • Wars and Conflicts: None (We stay neutral in WWIII)
  • Events: None
  • Diplomacy:
    • SRSC: I'm putting up a poll. You guys will decide which side to take in the Ruso-Ukranian War. I vote Ukraine.

United States of America[]

  • Government and Politics
    • "I was right": State of emergency declared in Hawaii for 180 days because of a nuclear attack in one of the major cities in Hawaii, Honolulu. Over 192,000 were initially dead at first but this toll eventually raised to 281,000 at the end of the year due to radiation sickness (and potential toxification of half of the archipelago), with US experts agreeing that North Korea has finished their hydrogen bomb development and miniaturisation of their own bombs into multiple intercontinental ballistic missiles. Those who do survive are being relocated temporarily into the West Coast.
    • Approval Rating: Trump's approval rating unexpectedly went up in 2023 following a nuclear strike in Oahu and "the promise to crack down Rocket Man Kim Jong-un" for the first time in his second term from 19% to 34% but only because of the Korean War. Trump also proclaimed himself "as the defender of a united America" in his tweet.
    • Puerto Rico: The 2022 referendum shows that Puerto Rico will effectively become the 51st state, but not immediately yet but this shows that most of the residents inside the commonwealth are more in favour of becoming part of the Union.
    • 2024 US primaries: Because every four years, a presidential election has to be made but actually most of the politicians are awful choices as president except Mike Pence and Kanye West, but if we could get Monsoonjr99 and mappers president I don't mind but they're not of age just yet. And be mindful of possible bias into this election.
      • Democratic candidates (not finalised yet, will reveal it in 2024)
        • Kirsten Gillibrand
        • Cory Booker
        • Elizabeth Warren
        • Dwayne Johnson (Could we make him independent?)
      • Republican candidates (not finalised yet, will reveal it in 2024): "Trump can't run a third term but we can put Mike Pence as president though."
        • Jeb Bush (Why not?)
        • Mike Pence (Because of cliches in AFOTW and some map games here)
      • Others: Allegations suggest that Mark Zuckerberg may be running for president but that was quickly denied by the Facebook CEO in December 2023.
        • Kanye West (Independent)
        • Austin Petersen (Libertarian)
  • Military: Despite budget cuts, the US military is still strong and had heavily invested into mainly fighting against the North Koreans in the Korean front as the Korean War began to resume.
    • Military Technology: Military technology that hasn't being tested in the front has being put into an actual battlefield which allows the US military itself to improvise military technology as part of a theoretical project that would actually be useful in a large-scale conflict against a superpower such as China or Russia, but going on a smaller nation with some extent have a militaristic culture is the only way to prepare something worse than testing it on something else.
    • Korean War (1950-1953; February 2023-present): We send in troops, numbering 90,000 soldiers into the Korean Front using the Sea of Japan as a leverage for our ships to blockade any convoys coming from Russia. Most of the troops however land on the eastern shores as the American military believes landing via aircraft would make it easy for North Korea to target and keeping missions low-profile is the only way to "win this war". Trump's approval rate unexpectedly goes higher.
      • Operation Failsafe: You don't need to know this for now.
  • Economy
    • 2020s US Economic Recession (2022-present): There's a big recession following a dip in stock prices, raising levels of unemployment. This in part worsens due to the Korean War in Hawaii.
    • Universal Basic Income Proposal: There were secret talks and proposals for an UBI system to be put in place but there were no trials as of this time because of the ongoing recession but if the United States can recover from their issues then they can plan their trial.
  • Research and Technology
    • Space: Not going to talk about this but one's thing for sure, it was launched on 28th December and there were now plans to fully begin their plan to extract resources off the Moon and make an industry to boost the US economy.
    • Enhanced Surveillance Program: You don't need to know this.
  • Diplomacy
    • Israel: Heavy support is still given due to the United States still under President Trump and yet many Democrats and some Republicans continously tried to stop him from going but there were now open talks of ignoring the Democrats' responses unless they heed to Trump's satisfication.
    • North Korea: Wage of war. 
    • China: The US government formally asks China not to side with North Korea a genocidal act was being pushed by the Kim regime as the US media and government calls North Korea sometimes and instead take action against North Korea seriously.
    • Russia: The same message given towards China was also given to Russia as they are also somewhat allies towards North Korea due to trade. Although the United States and Russian relations weren't so great currently due to FBI investigations towards the 2016 elections, the nuclear tests that North korea has conducted should make them have a slight change in opinions.


Demographics: 100 million people (85.7% Vietnamese along with 53 minorities)

  • Politics
    • Democratization of the State: The Second Party (who cares what their name is) begins to gain in popularity, however, the Socialist Party is still the dominant party. We also enact numerous decrees to keep the process slow and stable, to avoid any possible outbreak of rebellion.
  • Economy: Breakout of WWIII deters our trade so our GDP dropped.
  • Military:
    • Numbers:
      • Land force: 550,000 active, approx 3.6m reserve.
      • Navy: 51,000 sailors & officers, 91 ships
      • Air Force: 36,000 personnel, 285 aircraft
  • Technology: anything idk
  • Constructions: Coastal and border defense systems and AA (anti-air) zones
  • Diplo:
  • WW3: We state that we will stay neutral from the war, due to us not wanting to be involved in trouble.

People's Republic of China[]

  • Government: Widespread censorship continues and the Sesame Credit system is still being developed in order to further implement it at a national scale in the near future. Xi Jinping continues to keep a defiant attitude towards the West, but he is now looking towards more cooperation in global issues, particularly North Korea. This is proven when he decides to wage on a full-on war against the Kim regime, ending decades of friendship among North Korea and the People's Republic.
  • Economy: Everyone else's economy is still great despite all the war expense, so it can be easily concluded that ours is good as well. Major conglomerates such as the Alibaba Group have become so massive that they are now planning to expand into other countries in the region, although this will have to wait due to the Korean War.
  • Conflicts:
    • Operation Wucheraria (North Korea): After finding out of the North Korean nuclear tests, Xi Jinping is enraged and declares Operation Wucheraria a failure (as it was supposed to contain North Korea's threats and nuclear program), launching Operation Koryo instead.
    • Operation Koryo (Korean War): War is declared on North Korea shortly after their last nuclear tests were performed. Initial advances are somewhat easier since we've previously captured Onsong County during Operation Wucheraria, 150,000 soldiers advance from Onsong into North Hamgyong Province all the way to the province's capital, Chongjin, where they meet with american troops that had just landed into North Korea's east shores. Fearing high casualties in a potential nuclear attack, Xi Jinping orders troops to scatter through rural areas, only keeping a few thousands in the captured cities. At the same time, a second group consisting of 235,000 troops begins to advance into the Chagang and North Pyongan provinces, racing towards the regime's capital in order to increase pressure. Both the Air Force and the Navy take a supportive role, trying to obliterate the highest possible number of North Korean aircraft and vessels, although the main goal is North Korean artillery.
    • Operation Rhabdovirus (India and Myanmar): Seeing how the Rohingya incident has been resolved for the most part, and how there have been no border changes in the Indian frontline, we decide to abandon Myanmar for good, but we do tell India to let the UN decide what to do with Myanmar instead of invading them. Status quo regarding the border dispute with India remains.
  • Military Numbers are expanded, and the railgun project continues.
    • Ground Forces:
      • 2,540,005 active personnel
      • 1,000,900 reserve personnel
      • 7,001 combat tanks
      • 5,120 armored fighting vehicles
      • 1,803 self-propelled artillery
      • 6,356 towed artillery
      • 1,835 rocket projectors
    • Naval Forces:
      • 230,000 active personnel
      • 75,000 reserve personnel
      • 2 aircraft carriers
      • 53 frigates
      • 39 destroyers
      • 36 corvettes
      • 71 submarines
      • 238 patrol craft
      • 33 mine warfare vessels
    • Air Forces:
      • 415,000 active personnel
      • 100,000 reserve personnel
      • 1,332 fighter aircraft
      • 1,560 attack aircraft
      • 793 transport aircraft
      • 387 trainer aircraft
      • 983 helicopters
      • 254 attack helicopters
  • Diplomacy:
    • United Nations: We reveal the horrors of North Korean concentration camps and other severe human rights abuses, urging the international community to intervene.
    • Oman: You are allowed to help in the construction of Rohingya settlements. Feel free to contribute when you're ready.
    • Turkey: We sanction them due to their illegal invasion of Cyprus. Since we're busy in Korea, it is unlikely that any further actions will be taken.

Korean State[]

  • Government:
  • Politics:
  • Taunting Trump: "Nice job protecting against Rocket Man, Mr. Trump. It looks like he won't be nuking anyone again." ~Seung-hee, 2023.
  • Laws and Policies:
  • Activation of Military Reserves: The Taewonsu declares a state of absolute emergency, and activates all 90% of the military reserves to join active duty.
  • Analytics:
  • Economy: The economy hasn't collapsed yet, but has instead only taken a major hit as the only major city nuked was Daegu.
  • Infrastructure & Public Services: All infrastructure in Daegu is basically done for, because, you know, nuke.
  • Demographics:
  • Ethnicity: Mostly Korean.
  • Religion: Some Koreans
  • Gender: Close enough to a 50/50 split between the two genders.
  • Development & Standards of Living: oof
  • Military:
  • Nuclear Weapons: The first three nukes are completed, and, in an act of vengeance for fallen Korean brothers, one is launched on Pyongyang.
  • Wars and Conflicts:
  • Korean War (June 25, 1950 - ???): A major invasion to push back the North Koreans is launched. 4,000,000 soldiers confront the technologically backwatered North Korean forces, and paratroopers, numbering 250,000, fly over the East Sea (Sea of Japan) flanked by Korean Marines, about 325,000 soldiers. The split between the two occurs off the coast of Wonsan, where the marines went west and landed in the city of Wonsan, while the paratroopers continue to fly north and jump out of their transport planes above the city of Hamhung. Both cities are taken, with a small amount of casualties due to the North Koreans having most of their forces in the invading border. The marines invade Munchon, and move up to the hamlet of Inhung-rodongjagu, where they wait for the paratroopers to meet them. The paratroopers move through Hamju and Sinsang-rodongjagu, finally linking up with the marines and establishing a large beachhead. They do not push forwards at all, as they must await more supplies from the mainland.
  • Korean Armed Forces:
  • Korean Army: The Army consists of:
  • 6,528,000 active soldiers
  • 1,279,048 reserve soldiers
  • 3,462 tanks
  • 5,673 armoured fighting vehicles
  • 3,017 self-propelled artillery
  • 6,367 towed artillery
  • 377 rocket projectors
  • Korean Maritime Force: The Maritime Force consists of:
  • 732,000 active soldiers
  • 163,000 reserve soldiers
  • 2 aircraft carriers
  • 18 frigates
  • 15 destroyers
  • 21 corvettes
  • 25 submarines
  • 89 patrol craft
  • 17 mine warfare vessels
  • Korean Air Force: The Air Force consists of:
  • 405,000 active soldiers
  • 78,000 reserve soldiers
  • 762 fighter aircraft
  • 645 attack aircraft
  • 721 transport aircraft
  • 401 trainer aircraft
  • 112 attack helicopters
  • Diplomacy:
    • United States: We told you that American interference would end up in having nukes dropped on cities.
    • North Korea: Good job on confirming your death, pal.
    • Japan: The two of us must now band together as we have been faced with a travesty of the highest order.

Islamic Republic of Iran[]

  • Government:
    • Authoritarian Money, the Principalists: Estafahni had set out to try to steer the country out from a worsening recession. Despite being a conservative, he proposed several economic reforms outlining plans of "Relief, Recovery, and Reform". He starts by relieving certain damaged sectors through monetary funds to help jumpstart the sector. Next, the gov will observe the recovery through careful experimentation along with insurance of safety nets in case experiments get out of hand and does actual damage to the main economy. But here is the catch: the reform is also attached with a government reform policy that allows more restriction on certain economic activities to encourage economic growth on different sectors if needed. (It is probably stupid to some, but I made it vague enough to stimulate interest)
  • Military:
    • Land force: 570,000, (3.2m Reserves)
    • Navy: 91 ships 
    • Air Force: 36,000, 285 aircraft
  • Economy:
    • 2021 Nationwide Recession: On late 2022 and by 2023, the recession had began to subside somewhat, as Estahfani's economic reforms began to take effect.
  • Diplomacy: Iran still maintains a hardline stance against infringing elements conducted by any Western entities within the Middle-east. In 2021, Iran became increasingly more interested in particiption of Middle-eastern affairs, increasingly seeing itself as it's natural protector.
    • None for now


Pyongyang has been spared a nuclear inferno by a Russian-made THAAD system, while the nation launches the remainder of their 20 missile arsenal, 1 of which reaching its target while the other 7 are shot down.

The world's economy is thrown off balance by the destruction of Shanghai, to which North Korea says, "China has lost the spirit of communism when they lost faith in the Glorious Regime of the Kim! Right now, we are invading the entirety of Manchuria, and Busan will fall tomorrow!" It should be noted the Chinese are 11 kilometers outside Pyongyang, advancing fast, and the North Koreans still seige Busan for at least a week before taking a break, before being overrun by the Korean counterattack.

Japanese expeditionary forces land in Busan, and provide naval and aerial support for the advancing South Korean army.

Russia releases a statement on the THAAD in Pyongyang, stating the defense system was given to them during the Cold War and does not endorse the current situation of North Korean aggression whatsoever.

In the light of the Korean attempt to nuke Pyongyang, several groups worldwide call for the nuclear disarmament of every state, as well as refraining from nuking Pyongyang in the future so the Kim Jong Un can be caught and punished for his crimes against humanity.

TL;DR, North Korea is fucked, China is near Pyongyang, South Korea is pushing back aggressively and Shanghai got nuked.

Kurdistan declares independence from Syria, Iraq and Turkey. Saudi Arabia and Jordan recognise the new nation as a sovereign state, while others, especially Syria, Turkey and Iraq are vehemently against it.

The UN deploys aid to affected regions in the Korean War, specifically in the nuked areas.

Many nations in the world have a lowered opinion of the United States, Russia, China and India for their recent actions. The Middle East is growing distrustful of the US, Europe is still disturbed by the apparent Russian support for the Donetsk People's Republic and subtly their involvement in the failure to nuke Pyongyang, India and China are seen as greedy powergrabbers, especially by each other.

Israel and Palestine have surpassed the highest record of tensions during regional peacetime.

Cambodia and Laos democratize.

Greece turns down the offer to join the Turkic Pact.

Omani Technocracy[]

  • Government:
    • Parliament Elections:
      • Results:
        • Technocratic Society (TS): 78 MPs
        • Manufacturing Co-operative (MC): 21 MPs
        • Sultans Royal Guardians (SRG): 14 MPs
        • Future with the Military (FwM): 9 MPs
        • Leftist Progressive Party (LPP): 3 MPs
        • Oman First Front (OFF): 3 MPs
        • Socialist Scientific Society (SSS): 2 MPs
        • Environmental Energies Party (EEP): 0 MPs
        • Democratic Revolutionary Party (DRP): 0 MPs
        • Cultural Protection Group (CPG): 0 MPs
      • Coalitions:
        • New Scientific Revolution: Technocratic Society, Manufacturing Co-operative. Total MPs: 99
        • Oman for the Military: Sultans Royal Guardians, Future with the Military, Oman First Front. Total MPs: 26
      • Parliament Speaker:
        • Abbas Al-Amin, Party: TS, Coalition: NSR
    • Act 2-1, The Aid to Allies: The recent battles in North Korea have shown us how alliances matter in wartime, and how isolation could cause devastation. Therefore, to make sure our allies understand our good intentions, we create an investment fund which is supplied with 1 Billion Dollars from our Budget. This fund is used to invest in our allies and help them in times of need. We insert 2 Billion Dollars from our Foreign exchange reserves into this Alliance Investment Fund (AIF).
    • Act 2-2, The Domestic Reliance Act: Domestic Businesses get incentivised to produce more and rely on domestic manufacturing to grow. This allows for the Economy to grow and for our firms to reduce reliance on foreign goods, which allows us to survive sanctions and allows us to export more, and to use our local resources to their maximum efficiency. UPDATE: More money is inserted into this scheme
    • Act 2-3, The Domestic Military Act: While our economy grows, the nation would be useless without a good military. Taking a page out of Iran's book, we start manufacturing domestic military weapons. We set up 3 Air Force companies: Dhofair Team, Eagle Aviation, Salalah Aero Corporation. We also set up 2 Naval Companies: The Pearl of Muscat Team, Al-Said Naval. Land Warfare Weaponry is produced by the Qaboos Corporation. We also emphasise on Missiles, produced by the Technocratic Aerospace, another state-owned company. UPDATE: More Money is inserted into this scheme, making it much more effective, all our plans have sped up by one year. 2 Billion Dollars out of our Reserves are added to this scheme as well as an increase in expenditure.
    • Act 2-4, The Continuation Act: Continuation of Previous Acts at current levels.
    • New Naval Policy: In this new Naval Policy, the Navy has decided to divide into two parts, one part for the Persian Gulf, and one part for the Gulf of Muscat. The Persian Gulf Navy (PGN) is more of an area denial to prevent all enemies from entering the Gulf and protects our lands, It uses up mostly Patrol Craft and corvettes. The Gulf of Muscat Navy (GMN) is an advanced, long-distance Navy. It is our go-to navy for International Missions. It uses up Destroyers and an incoming Aircraft Carrier.
  • Military:
    • Land Force:
      • Combat Tanks: 189 (+72, Sultan Tank is Rolled out)
      • AFV: 1000 (+50)
      • Self-Propelled Artillery: 20 (+5)
      • Towed Artillery: 100 (-68 Salvaged for other Military Equipment)
      • Rocket Projectors: 15 (+3)
    • Navy:
      • Corvettes: 8 (+3)
      • Patrol Craft: 18 (+10)
      • Destroyers: 2 (+2)
      • Fuel Transport Ships (Transformed Oil Tankers due to lower Oil Production): 2
      • Military Transport Ships (Same as Above instead transports other goods): 4
    • Air Force:
      • Fighter: 23 (+6) (All Upgraded)
      • Attack: 41 (+4)
      • Transport: 63 (Mostly (43 Aircraft) Replaced by SAC-T1. All Useless Aircraft either sold, scrapped, turned into Civil Aircraft (Making the Air Force Airlines, Government Revenue Increases) or used in militarised and turned into Bombers (Or Possibly used in a certain Operation))
      • Bombers: 7 (+7) (Transformed Transport Aircraft)
      • Trainer: 27
      • Helicopter: 70 (+18)
  • Operations:
    • Operation Hadhramout: Occupation Continues, as we start to build more settlements, an airport and a port. We encourage Yemeni people to settle in this land as well as encourage Omanis to settle. This is part of the process to own this land. We send a Flight (4) of Attack aircraft to escort our bombers (2) in bombing Al-Qaeda Forces and expanding our land. Our Occupation of these lands also disrupts Saudi Supply Lines as we build up our gained areas, making them civilian territory and therefore de-legalizing land troops in such lands by UN Law.
    • Operation Houthi: The Houthis are paid 200 Million Dollars and a Transport Aircraft (which we claim has been attacked by Al-Qaeda Forces and stolen) for some of their missile technology. After we gain these, no other attempt to talk to the Houthis are made, to decrease suspicion to the absolute minimum.
    • Operation Free World: We send secret delegates to China and Russia to discuss relations. We also send 100 Million Dollars to the West Bank to build settlements near Israeli Settlements. We also use 20 Million to build a small airport in Palestine, and sell 2 Civil-Transformed Transport SAC-T1 Aircraft, as a way for them to start an Airline and make money. These sales are discussed in the UNGA, which favours Palestine, and is very well sponsored. To make sure no one argues with this action, we ensure that all the money is going to the Fatah Party, the peaceful face of Palestine.
    • Operation New Shanghai: Having received permission to build in China, a Fleet of 35 SAC-T1s are sent to Xining multiple times, loaded with construction material. A Naval Force of 2 Destroyers, 2 Fuel Transporters (To Fuel to Transport ships, and reduce their fuel requirements, so they carry more), and 4 Transporters are sent to Guangxi, loaded with construction material. Our workers in Xining and Guangxi are all moved to Qinghai to build a large city next to Qinghai Lake. This city is fitted with a large number of Solar Panels and Wind Turbines. This city is planned by us to be a replacement to Shanghai, to save the world from this economic crash. We send around 40,000 workers, which includes a large number of Yemeni Refugees looking for a job, and a large number of the Jobless Omanis. Our first build is a small, 20 Runway airbase, to accept our SAC-T1s instead of having to send our aircraft to Xining. The SAC-T1 are to fly once per day with resources. We use 3 Billion Dollars of our budget every year, plus 3 Billion Dollars from our reserves, to fund this operation. We buy from Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Kuwaiti, Turkish and Chinese Firms, in an effort to invest in our allies. We expect some kind of Monetary Help from China to build this city, however, we don't expect anything as close to what we are paying, because of their war.
    • Operation Kurdistan: We break off all ties with Kurdistan and we don't recognise them. While we believe that Kurdish People do deserve autonomy, a full independence is rejected. We set up Military Drills with the Turkic Pact, Iraq and Syria near their border.
    • Operation North Korea: We disagree with the usage of Nukes overall. Therefore, we send 10 Attack Aircraft, 7 Fighter Jets, 5 Bombers, 5 SAC-T1 Fuel Transport Aircraft to China (if they allow us) to help them in their attacks.
    • Operation Cross-Hormuz Alliance: We consider Iran an ally to our nation. To consolidate this alliance, we propose a deal where we invest in their firms using the AIF and provide them with the blueprints of a Eurofighter Typhoon and parts to produce more aircraft and learn how to oppose a Eurofighter Typhoon and to reverse-engineer it. In return, we hope to learn the blueprints and know-how of UAVs, as well as allow us to help them and invest in the Qaher 313, which seems to be on hold due to the recession. We also would request help in building a helicopter carrier, just like theirs, so we could oppose all who hope to attack our allies. We hope to help them fare through this recession.
  • Technology:
    • Copying the F-16: As a part of our plan to make local aircraft, our researchers are studying the F-16 in full detail and changing parts of it to make our own versions. The will be enough changes to the aircraft to consider it a different aircraft, getting past Legal Challenges.
    • Aircraft Carrier, Al Najm: We start researching into and creating an Aircraft Carrier.
    • Helicopter Carrier, Al Loloah (Pearl): We start building a Helicopter Carrier, which is much easier to build in comparison to an aircraft carrier. All it requires is an oil tanker, modified to have a landing area and Helicopter Storage beneath. This could have been done in two years, even though it is possible to finish in one, but to ensure high quality and to cover for the recession, we will spend two years. If the Iranians decide to help, we could be done in one year, as it would be a great jumpstart to our work.
    • Attack Helicopter Modifications, the EA-T1, Eagle Aviation Type 1: We task Eagle Aviation with modifying our existing fleet of Helicopters into Attack Helicopters. This is an easy job, but we need it done quickly and at a fast rate, so we expend quite a bit.
  • Economy:
    • Diversification Policy: Our Economy is being diversified to reduce our dependence on oil and gas
    • Government Budget:
      • Revenue:
        • Oil: 8,057 Million USD
        • Gas: 3,819 Million USD
        • Taxes and Other Fees: 4,953 Million USD
        • Government-Owned Firms (The Technocratic Society gave in most or all of the shares in their Firms to the Government after the change to Technocracy (Note: These firms are highly successful too, and they are very large because of the high subsidies during the Sultan's era)): 9,939 USD
        • Others: 2,687 USD
      • Expenditure:
        • Defence and Security: 7,788 Million USD
        • Oil and Gas Production: 3,481 Million USD
        • Ministries: 11,486 Million USD
        • Foreign Policies: 4,300 Million USD
        • Full Debt Payment: 490 Million USD
        • Nation Recession Relief: 1,300 Million USD
      • Totals:
        • Revenue: 29,445 Million USD
        • Expenditure: 28,845 Million USD
        • Total: +600 Million USD (Sent to replenish Reserves)
  • Production:
    • Domestic Protectionism Policy: Reduction in Foreign Imports by imposing tariffs, and increased reliance on domestic goods and production.
  • Diplomacy:
    • Turkey: Would you help us build an aircraft carrier? We would gladly pay you back by giving you a load of Sultan Tanks and SAC-T1s. (To be accurate, 40 Sultans and 10 SAC-T1s.) We would also provide 400 Million Dollars in Investment using the AIF. Also, Military Drills (Read Operation Kurdistan)?
    • Iran: Read Operation Cross-Hormuz Alliance. We also want to create a joint firm to efficiently produce our localised goods. In a separate deal, since we know that Iran has a space program, we would like to help with that too, if we are allowed to use it as well. 
    • Kuwait: Want to buy our weapons?
    • Iraq: Military Drills (Read Operation Kurdistan)?
    • Syria: Military Drills (Read Operation Kurdistan)?
    • Tunisia: We want to develop a port in Tunisia for our usage and easy trade.
    • China: Do we have permission for Operation North Korea? Also, provide some amount of funding (Around 500 Million USD at the very least) for Operation New Shanghai. Also, we would like some Space tech if you could supply us with that.
    • Turkic Pact: While not a Turkic Nation, we want to have an Observer Ally Status in the Pact, so we could help the pact as an observer, and not influence it.
    • North Korea: We despise the use of Nukes, so this happened.
    • Vietnam: Want to increase trade ties and industrialise?

Korean State[]

  • Government:
  • Politics:
  • Laws and Policies:
  • Activation of Military Reserves: The rest of the military reserves are brought into active duty.
  • Analytics:
  • Economy: The economy hasn't collapsed yet, but has instead only taken a major hit as the only major city nuked was Daegu.
  • Infrastructure & Public Services: All infrastructure in Daegu is basically done for, because, you know, nuke.
  • Demographics:
  • Ethnicity: Mostly Korean.
  • Religion: Some Koreans, due to the revival of the Korean War, convert to Buddhism as its practices apparently allow inner peace.
  • Gender: Close enough to a 50/50 split between the two genders.
  • Development & Standards of Living: oof
  • Military:
  • Nuclear Weapons: Postponed for now.
  • Wars and Conflicts:
  • Korean War (June 25, 1950 - ???): Having received supplies, the naval/air invasion forces begin to push into mainland North Korea, while the soldiers in the counteroffensive against the invading force has managed to push the North Koreans back to the previous capital city of Seoul, having liberated Yongin, Yeoju, Wonju, Pyeongchang, and Gangneung. The invasion of the Hermit Kingdom has gone swimmingly so far, though much more resistance has been faced since more soldiers have come to resist the South Korean invasion. Despite this, the force has pushed all the way up to Tanchŏn, and has captured all coastline down to our current liberated areas in South Korea, effectively blocking any resuppy from the sea. They have also pushed as far inland as Changrim closest to the orginal invasion point - and into Jangjin in the newly captured areas, meaning at our closest point, we're only 60 km from Pyongyang.
  • Korean Armed Forces:
  • Korean Army: The Army consists of:
  • 7,136,025 active soldiers
  • 0 reserve soldiers
  • 3,411 tanks
  • 5,321 armoured fighting vehicles
  • 2,911 self-propelled artillery
  • 6,102 towed artillery
  • 362 rocket projectors
  • Korean Maritime Force: The Maritime Force consists of:
  • 823,000 active soldiers
  • 0 reserve soldiers
  • 2 aircraft carriers
  • 18 frigates
  • 15 destroyers
  • 21 corvettes
  • 25 submarines
  • 89 patrol craft
  • 17 mine warfare vessels
  • Korean Air Force: The Air Force consists of:
  • 456,000 active soldiers
  • 0 reserve soldiers
  • 732 fighter aircraft
  • 612 attack aircraft
  • 701 transport aircraft
  • 383 trainer aircraft
  • 109 attack helicopters
  • Diplomacy:
  • United States: In a recent tweet by himself, Taewonsu Seung-hee mentions that "Trump sure has done a lot to take down Rocket Man by tweeting about him! Get over here and do some work yourself, Spray Tan!"

United States of America[]

  • Government and Politics
    • Statehood: Puerto Rico effectively becomes the 51st state in the Union by February 2024. 
    • 2024 selections disorder

      Will make a personalised map in the future probably instead of doing this

      2024 Presidential Elections: As Trump is ineligible for a third term due to the 22nd Amendment, this meant that the Republicans would likely have to pick another potential presideintial candidate, which eventually ended up having Jeb Bush as their own presidential candidate in their own primaries (sorry Mike Pence, you can't be president this time). Similarily the Democrats held a similar one and had soon declared Elizabeth Warren their own presidential candidate once again. Warren's policies and promises include "repealing almost every Trump-era policies and decisions made", which many Democrats and some Republicans voted again. The GOP during the election was then defeated by those who want to see some of these "unthinkable policies" out of the law, with the results included 301 electoral votes for the Democrats (that includes Puerto Rico) in comparison to 239 votes for the Repbulicans. There were no recount calls this time from Jeb Bush nor anyone else, which made president-elect Elizabeth Warren secure her own place as the president of the United States by next year. (If you want to talk about Kanye West in this year's US elections, he wasn't really serious to some people and Kanye wasn't even mentioned in the Electoral College yet he received only few thousand votes from his "fans")
    • "Rocket Man is here to blame": Trump once again made rhetorical fights against a regime that nuked Shanghai and blamed North Korea for "crashing our growing economy in the late 2010s" and comparing the mid-2020s economic depression to the Great Depression in the 1930s.
    • Anti-Trump Rallies (May 2024): These anti-Trump rallies took place on 7th-13th May 2024 over multiple cities and towns was quite more prominent than other ones in the past, which many stood up for Elizabeth Warren to be "elected president and down with the 'fascist Republicans'", while also causing trouble over some cities, which some of the police divisions have arrested thousands of people. The antifa are mostly responsible for some of these rallies that caused trouble and violence while in turn also made Trump's approval drop again.
  • Military:
    • Nuclear DebateThis became a big topic whether should America should start developing nuclear arms but this never came to play since Trump's presidency would eventually come to an end and many are against nuking North Korea or any nation at will.
    • United States Army
      • 2,300,000 active personnel
      • 500,000 reserve personnel
      • 6,200 tanks
      • 48,000 armoured fighting vehicles
      • 2,100 towed artillery
      • 1,500 rocket projectors
    • United States Navy
      • 400,000 active personnel
      • 125,000 reserve personnel
      • 21 aircraft carriers (this includes the USS Gerald R. Ford and soon more of them at least seven)
      • 75 destroyers
      • 27 cruisers
      • 11 mine countermeasure ships
      • 10 frigates (also includes one classic frigate, USS Constitution)
      • 82 submarines
    • United States Air Force
      • 340,000 active personnel
      • 100,000 reserve personnel
      • 2,380 fighter aircraft
      • 2,800 attack aircraft
      • 5,900 transport aircraft
      • 3,000 trainer aircraft
      • 6,200 helicopters
    • Korean War (1950-1953; February 2023-present): As the war didn't go out well, the US military began sending even more troopsinto the front, which there were around 64,000 (the rest were kiled by force) by the start of January and deployed 120,000 more into the front to "liberate the eastern part of North Korea" and approach closer to Pyongyang not only to liberate North Koreans from the tyrannical regime but to seize all of the nuclear arsenal that North Korea has before launching them (and destroying it). Another dark side to the conflict that the US is involved is Operation Failsafe. Operation Failsafe is to get Kim Jong-un secretly assassinated (because Trump is quite unpredictable in many standards) by hiring some of the remaining "loyal North Korean members" that had doubts of North Korea (DPRK) winning the Korean War and secretly put toxins into his own food which in turn poisons him and dies effectively, eventually getting rid of a strong North Korean regime if successful, which Trump claimed it was "brought together as one" because of a cult of personality that is "outdated and redundant".
  • Economy
    • Mid-2020s Economic Depression (2024-present): The economy crashes to the point here even more people were putting themselves into unemployment or even homelessness thanks to the destruction of one of the islands of Hawaii (which lowers tourism in long-term)
    • Rebuilding Our Infrastructure Program (ROIP; May 2024-present): In order to counteract the economic depression and war in the Korean front, this program was launched into effect and was signed by President Trump to push for self-reliance rather than relying on other nations in an attempt to bring back jobs that were lost in 2022 and 2023. This policy may not be repealed by the Democrats but it'll be likely have more regulations into it to secure workers' safety.
    • Universal Basic Income Proposal: Delayed again indefinitely but there are still hopes for it to happen if the United States are lifted out of depression.
  • Research and Technology
    • Space: The first manned mission since 1972 directed to Moon happens on 8th January 2024. But budget cuts are now being directed towards NASA due to the ongoing economic depression and the rest is needed for social welfare (such as education), infrastructure and military, which made the United States' government hindered in further manned space exploration. However assuming if SpaceX still continues their goals, they would likely start launching their own mission to land the first man on Mars before the year 2025 (I don't want to talk about SpaceX a lot, but Elon Musk is indeed very ambitious about his goals with Tesla and SpaceX)
    • Enhanced Surveillance Program: Huge investments of encrypting confidental material and military technology is being made in the year 2024 (especially towards China's rapidly expanding military in technology) as the Trump administration had called for protection of such technology should any nation desires to copy and replicate any part of their invested equipment. It also in turn began reducing their military export of certain equipment that were produced and made by the US domestically after 2014 and beyond, despite that'll also decrease profit from any nation that desires one part of the US arsenal.
    • CRISPR: CRISPR-Cas9 is a protein which allows the modification of a set of genes, but by further enhancing this gene editing DNA, then it could potentially study human genes and save many lives through modifying someone's genes and getting rid of hereditary traits that are considered negative. But this is a far-fetched science fiction job, who knows if this becomes mass commercialised or kept towards scientists only, but genetic modification is closer than we expect.
  • Diplomacy
    • Kurdistan (even though the Middle East hates me except Israel): Despite the Kurdish population being heavily Muslim (but I shouldn't also forget the Yazidi population and probably other stuff) and the US does not recognise their sovereignty publicly, the Kurdish rebellion/government is a notable thing to weaken the Turkish military over their aggressive expansion towards the occupied island of Cyprus thanks Erdogan for extending your term to 2029, thus they began to fund these Kurdish militia groups with millions of dollars to continuously weaken this Turkish dictatorship, only in a condition that they use this money towards Turkish soil and not Syria/Iraq. (Also Israel does seem to support a Kurdish nation for a possible strategic reason in OTL so in my opinion they might not mind it, we'll just wait and see)
    • IsraelUnlike suspected negotiations with the Palestinian government, most Israeli settlements are still being heavily funded heavily in the West Bank by the United States (The Trump Organization is also taking 10% of their revenue as a donation annually; that means ~300 to 500 million) in billions, now topping up to $10 billion (and an additional $1 billion from "pro-Israeli companies", notably the Trump Organization) this year as "aid and welfare" this year. The Democrats intend to reverse Trump's decision on Jerusalem next year to appease the Muslim-majority Middle East which could make a hit towards Israel in the near future, but this is not yet effective yet.
    • Turkey: No changes under the Trump administration nor any plans to withdraw any sanctions in the next administration and it is likely they'll hold onto these sanctions until they withdraw from Cyprus and knowing that nationalism and patriotism is a huge thing here, they also won't take further action.
    • North Korea: Insert more Trump tweets about Kim Jong-un "the Rocket Man" on nuking Shanghai.
    • China: Aid relief is being sent to China in a package of $10 billion to fund a decontamination program on the city of Shanghai (I don't think "New Shanghai" would be the new name for Shanghai if it were in the same place before the nuking takes place, it's like saying Hiroshima should be "New Hiroshima" after 1945).

Republic of Turkey[]

  • Government: In 2044, a new president was elected, his name is Ahmet Asim from the AK Party, he was looking forward to expand Turkey diplomatically, however he also wanted to prepare Turkey in case of wars and invasions and make the Turkish Republic lead the Turkic Pact into prosperity.
  • Military:
    • Turkish Armed Forces:
      • Turkish Land Forces:  Massive Conscription is made in order to ensure safety to the Turkish People from the American aggressors, taking in volunteers and posting Propaganda, and making it so more people join the military. Also, the land equipment is upgraded and is being mass produced.
        • Troops:
          • 550,000 Active Personnel
          • 430,000 Reserve Personnel
        • Land Equipment:
          • 3,150 Combat Tanks
          • 12,550 Armored Fighting Vehicles
          • 1,150 Self-Propelled Artillery
          • 900 Towed Artillery
          • 975 Rocket Projectors
      • Turkish Naval Forces: The Turkish Navy invests in expanding the Navy regarding threats from the United States of America of a possible invasion of the Turkish Republic. The design of these new ships are also remade in order to give the Turkish Navy a brand new look.
        • 1 Aircraft Carrier
        • 10 Destroyers
        • 30 Frigates
        • 15 Corvettes
        • 40 Submarines
        • 80 Patrol Craft
        • 30 Mine Warfare Vessels
      • Turkish Air Force: Much like the Turkish Navy, the Turkish Air Force also heavily invests in more Air defense and producing more planes, helicopters and jets for the Turkish Armed Forces.
        • 600 Fighter Aircraft
        • 600 Attack Aircraft
        • 1,200 Transport Aircraft
        • 310 Trainer Aircraft
        • 600 Helicopters
        • 120 Attack Helicopters
        • 450 Bombers
  • Conflicts:
    • Turkish funding of Sandžak rebels:  The Turkish Government secretly funds rebels in Sandžak in order in have a stronger influence in Europe and for the Turkic Pact to expand in members, however ever since Kosovo declared its independence tensions between the Muslims and Serbia have been high, which is why it would be likely that a rebellion of Sandžak is possible. The Turkish Military spent 2 Billion USD in funding for this rebellion, the Turkish military also sent aid and weapons to the rebels in order to secure their victory.
  • Economy:
  • Diplomacy:
    • Turkic Pact: The Turkish Military starts training with military from the Turkic Pact in case of an defensive war between one of its members, meaning that by declaring war on a member of the Turkic Pact, you are immediately declaring war on all members of the Turkic Pact.
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo:  They are asked to support military and economically the Sandžak rebels, as they are mostly Muslim Bosniaks and Albanians, the Turkish Government also stated to these 3 nations that the Turkic Pact would gain more influence in Europe if they support the Sandžak rebels along with the Turks.
    • Macedonia: Despite not being Turkic or even a majority Muslim nation (only 40% of Macedonia is Muslim), they are invited into the Turkic Pact and are promised protection from any neighboring nation looking to annex Macedonia.
    • Tajikistan: Much like Macedonia, they are invited into the Turkic Pact, despite not being Turkic or Mongol, they are influenced by Turkic culture, due to being surrounded by Turkic states, and to East Turkestan, China to the East. Because of that they are invited into the alliance.
    • Greece: Seeing as Greece declined to sell the lands, the Turkish Government still wants to have a decent relation with the Greeks and they are asked for an alliance and are even invited into the Turkic Pact (If Greece accepts this, the Turkic Pact will be renamed to the Istanbul Pact).
    • Oman: Seeing Omani support for not only the Turkish Regime, but also their support to the Turkic Pact, they accept to help Oman build an Aircraft Carrier in order to have a higher influence in the Middle East. They are also accepted into the Turkic Pact as an Observer State.
    • Iran: Due too both being targets of American Intervention in the Middle East, an alliance is requested between Iran and Turkey.
    • Turkish Kurdistan: With the Americans trying to regain their influence in the Middle East, the Turkish Kurdistan regions are given autonomy and equal rights as the Turkish, as Turkey would like to be seen as a Multi-cultural nation, where no matter race or ethnicity people can live together in peace. The Kurds are also given more influence in Turkish Politics. The Turkish Government has publicly stated that it wants to work in coordination with the Kurds to further develop the more mountainous Eastern Turkey and hopefully make Turkey a more touristic destination. This will not only improve Turkish Kurdistan's economy but will also help the economy of Eastern Turkey.
    • Palestine: The Turkic Pact declares full support for the Palestinian Government. The Turkish Government also makes their embassy on Palestine in Eastern Jerusalem. Palestine is also asked for an alliance. The Turkish Government also sends in 10 Billion USD in order to help, countersettle the Israeli settlements in West Bank and settle Western Jerusalem with Palestinian settlers. The Turkish Government also sends in 5,000 Turkish settlers into Western Jerusalem in order to hopefully increase the population of Muslims in the city, and make Palestime have full control of Israel.
    • Russia (Crimea): The Turkish Government sent in around 10,000 Turkish settlers into Crimea in order to hopefully return back the peninsula of Crimea, which was once part of the Ottoman Empire, predecessor of the Turkish Republic. The goal is to have enough Turkish settlers in Crimea, so that later on Turkey will be able to buy Crimea from the Russians.
    • Serbia & Montenegro (Sandžak): The Turkish Government, mush like in Crimea, sends in around 7,500 Turkish settlers into Sandžak in order to hopefully make the region (which is mostly Muslim) independent from Montenegro and Serbia, if this were to happen it'd be a new addition to the Turkic Pact, and with help from the Turkic Pact's European members, an independent Sandžak could be possible soon.
    • Cyprus: Cyprus is released from being a Turkish Vassal, however the Turkish Government decides to keep Northern Turkey to avoid tensions between the Turks and the Greeks in the island.
    • Serbia and Montenegro: An ultimatum is sent, stating that if they do not give independence to the Sandžak rebels, they will see military intervention by the Turkic Pact, they also claim that the Serbians as oprssive against the Muslims in both Serbia and Montenegro, which is why they should give independence to Sandžak.
    • North Korea: They don't support the North Korean regime, however the Turks remain neutral in the "WW3", as they are busy with other things.
    • Russia: Despite not having the best relationships, the Turkish Government wants to create an alliance with the Russian Federation.
    • Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Bahrain, Qatar and United Arab Emirates: Due too agressions from foreign powers, an alliance called the "Middle Eastern Military Organization" is proposed. This alliance wont have a leader, as all countries in the alliance will be equal. This means that if someone attacks one country, they attack all countries, this is great especially in the Middle East where, a combined union would be an incredibly powerful union. The MEMO is supposed to protect every state which is a part of it, and if it was created it would unite the Middle Eastern states as it would also help them economically.


Kuwait, Iraq, Syria and Tunisia accept the proposals from Oman.

Russia, seeing a strategic advantage in Turkey, accepts the alliance, and slides Turkey a proposal to help them in wars in return for not infringing on sovereign Russian territory (CRIMEA).

North Korea maintains a defensive strategy, but is being closed in by Chinese and Korean troops. Japanese-led naval raids and bombings catalyse the fall of Pyongyang, and the war is expected to come to a close soon.

Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Qatar, and Palestine agree to the proposal laid out by Turkey, forming MEMO.

Saudi Arabia and the other neutral Middle Eastern states protest this apparent plan to unite the Middle East under a Turkish or potential Iranian hegemony. In response the Arab Regional Military Alliance is formed out of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Yemen and Egypt. ARMA seeks to defend their regional interests from any threat.

Istanbul reports a spike in Greek residents, as well as many Aegean islands.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo accept the Turkish proposal.

The war in Ukraine escalates after Russian troops are found sieging Ukrainian towns alongside Donetsk troops.

Kingdom of Noregea (Norway)[]

  • Economy: The economy drops because of the effects the Trondheim Earthquake, -2.17%.
  • Military:
    • Active Personnel:  33,687 (1,000 sent to Ukraine)
    • Reserve Personnel: 50,492
    • Wars and Conflicts: None
    • Events: None
    • Diplomacy:
      • Sweden: I propose we unite under one nation. We can have the capital in Stockholm if you approve. I say our name should be Norsweden.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia[]

  • Government
    • Death of a King: King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, dies in his sleep. Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is crowned King and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia.
    • Saudi Vision 2030: With more than half of the goals reached, the new King is speeding up other projects so that the nation will reach all goals by 2030.
      • To have three Saudi cities be recognized in the top-ranked 100 cities in the world
      • To increase household spending on cultural and entertainment activities inside the Kingdom from the current level of 2.9% to 6%
      • To increase the ratio of individuals exercising at least once a week from 13% of the population to 40%
      • To increase our capacity to welcome Umrah visitors from 8 million to 30 million every year.
      • To more than double the number of Saudi heritage sites registered with UNESCO.
      • To raise our position from 26 to 10 in the Social Capital index.
      • To increase the average life expectancy from 74 years to 80 years
      • To lower the rate of unemployment from 11.6% to 7%.
      • To increase SME contribution to GDP from 20% to 35%.
      • To increase women’s participation in the workforce from 22% to 30%.
      • To move from our current position as the 19th largest economy in the world into the top 15.
      • To increase the localization of oil and gas sectors from 40% to 75%
      • To increase the Public Investment Fund’s assets, from SAR 600 billion to over 7 trillion.
      • To rise from our current position of 25 to the top 10 countries on the Global Competitiveness Index
      • To increase foreign direct investment from 3.8% to the international level of 5.7% of GDP.
      • To increase the private sector's contribution from 40% to 65% of GDP.
      • To raise our global ranking in the Logistics Performance Index from 49 to 25 and ensure the Kingdom is a regional leader
      • To raise the share of non-oil exports in non-oil GDP from 16% to 50%
      • To increase non-oil government revenue from SAR 163 billion to SAR 1 Trillion.
      • To raise our ranking in the Government Effectiveness Index, from 80 to 20.
      • To raise our ranking on the E-Government Survey Index from our current position of 36 to be among the top five nations.
      • To increase household savings from 6% to 10% of total household income
      • To raise the non-profit sector’s contribution to GDP from less than 1% to 5%
      • To rally one million volunteers per year (compared to 11,000 now)
    • Military Infrastructure: Saudi military infrastructure is very grouped, compared to Iran, where there are targets all across the country. In order to combat this, the Saudi government is spending US$10 billion on creating local military bases across the country. This will reduce the dependence on specific areas for defence against Iran. The project will be completed by 2027.
    • The Liberal Kingdom: King Mohammed takes the first steps towards an integrated democracy and an equal nation. The five-year plan outlines a gradual progression towards a progressive nation, as the role of Prime Minister will become separate from the monarchy. However, this will not become immediate. Although the first general elections shall be held in 2026, all candidates will be chosen by the King, and the candidate cannot be female. Saudi General Elections will follow the first-past-the-post system. Women will also gradually gain more rights, with the King looking to abolish "male guardian" laws.
    • Obesity Epidemic: One of the hardest goals to be reached by 2030 is to increase the ratio of individuals exercising at least once a week from 13% of the population to 40%. In order to deal with this, King Mohammed is introducing a sugar tax on products with sugar in them. The new King is also creating the Health Evaluation Commission. The HEC will consider "healthy" products; if they meet HEC standards, their production will be subsidized by the Saudi government. The Saudi government will also invest in the first "vertical farm" in the nation - a skyscraper filled with automated farms. At the base of the building, there will be a food market. The first of these vertical farms will be built in the center of one of Riyadh's residential districts.
  • Royal Saudi Arabian Armed Forces: The Royal Saudi Arabian Armed Forces consists of the Royal Saudi Land Forces, the Royal Saudi Air Force, the Royal Saudi Navy, the Royal Saudi Air Defense, and the Royal Saudi Strategic Missile Force.
    • Personnel: As the population increases so does the number of those fit for service. There are now 15.7 million Saudi Arabians fit for service. Therefore, King Muhammed is introducing compulsory conscription for 18-24-year-olds (men only) who are not in education, increasing the number of reserve personnel from 25,000 to 535,000. Active personnel has not changed too much, only increasing from 231,000 to 261,000.
    • Gulf Operations: With the increasing tensions in the Middle East, the Royal Saudi Navy has increased its presence in the Persian Gulf. Along with this, Saudi Arabia is undergoing the construction of an Aircraft Carrier. It was under construction in 2022, and so will be complete next year.
    • Yemeni Civil War: In conjunction with Omani forces, the RSAF starts bombing raids on Al-Qaeda's military bases.
    • Royal Saudi Land Forces: The RSLF is the largest branch of the Saudi Arabia Armed Forces. They have 80,000 personnel, 1,342 Combat Tanks, 5,865 Armored Fighting Vehicles, 597 Self-Propelled Artillery, 504 Towed Artillery, and 387 Rocket Projectors.
    • Royal Saudi Air Force: The RSAF is the aviation branch of the Saudi Arabia Armed Forces. They have 65,000 personnel, 217 Fighter Aircraft, 265 Attack Aircraft, 241 Transport Aircraft, 263 Trainer Aircraft, and 31 Attack Helicopters.
    • Royal Saudi Navy: The RSN is the naval branch of the Saudi Arabia Armed Forces. They have 63,000 personnel, 7 Frigates, 2 Destroyers, 5 Corvettes, 26 Patrol Craft, and 3 Mine Warfare Vessels.
  • Diplomacy
    • Oman: A treaty was signed with Oman detailing a new partnership between Saudi Arabia and Oman.
      • Treaty of Muscat
      • Saudi Arabia will leave ARMA.
      • Saudi Arabia and Oman will install a Kingdom in Yemen.
      • The Kingdom of Yemen will leave ARMA.
      • The Arabian Union will be formed (like the EU) with Yemen, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Capital temporarily in Salalah (Oman), but a new capital (عاصِمة) will be created between the three nations.
      • After the Yemeni Civil War has ended, Yemen will be presented with a secession referendum (if it wins, North Yemen becomes the Republic of North Yemen and South Yemen becomes the Kingdom of South Yemen).
    • Arab Regional Military Alliance: Saudi Arabia leaves to pursue peace.
    • Turkey and Iran: The Arabian Union requests public negotiations on a plan of action regarding peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    • Arabian Union: Our priority should be the Yemeni conflict.
    • United States of America: We will no longer be your puppet as Israel has. Saudi Arabia is a sovereign, independent state.
    • India: The Arabian Union and India should have cordial relations.
    • Houthi Yemen: On behalf of the Arabian Union, we demand that you relinquish your claim as the legitimate Yemeni government.
    • Hadi Yemen: On behalf of the Arabian Union, we demand that you relinquish your claim as the legitimate Yemeni government.
    • Jordan: Jordan, we offer Talal, cousin of King Abdullah, the throne of Yemen. Also, try democracy. It's nice. Your Crown Prince (Hussein) certainly thinks so. And so does Talal. Maybe you should leave ARMA and join the Arabian Union instead. We will protect you. All ARMA seeks to do is expand American influence in the Middle East and pick a fight with the Turkish or the Iranians.
    • Kuwait: Would you like to join the Arabian Union? It is an economic union and counter-terrorist alliance promoting democracy and freedom.
    • Kurdistan: Saudi Arabia will provide Kurdistan with money and aid. We should foster better relations.

United States of America[]

  • Government
    • Last Twenty Days: Trump wishes for the next President to further make their presence over the Middle East than Korea which Trump had for the rest of his two consecutive terms. But rather than Trump's promises over to defuse the situation, the president-elect suddenly decided to withdraw from the affairs after a brief announcement in 8th January.
    • Inauguration of President-Elect Warren: Obviously the inauguration of Elizabeth Warren means there will be a huge change to the United States once again, just like when Trump was inaugurated as president back in 20th January 2017.
    • Middle Eastern Situation: Around the start of 2025, the cold war had intensified until the short-lived ARMA was dissolved around March so thus they began withdrawing everything they could from Israel (except the embassy which was already too late to relocate it back to Tel Aviv and few stupid things) and move onto a more local affair, that is regarding to Latin America and the drug wars, along with what the United States recognises as regimes include Cuba and Venezuela and what was suspected to be the buildup of the Mexican military in Central America (that is if Tudor is starting an invasion)
    • Trump-Era Repeals: During the first 100 days of Warren's presidency, rules are now being relaxed slightly towards immigration, with refugee bans being lifted against all nations that were barred from Trump's "refugee ban" and also repealed nearly everything that Trump had worked for, with the exception of reforming his economic rebuilding policies. 
  • Military
    • Korean War (1950-1953; February 2023-present): Our loved ones are in danger and it seems that the Korean War is coming to it's end, so we slowly began withdrawing some of the troops to let the Chinese, Japanese and South Koreans take care of due to their close proximity but relief will be supported in Korea, Shanghai and Nagoya. However we still keep a presence to the area in case things change but 80% of the troops have left the front to be reunited with their families back home after intensive two years of fighting against the North Koreans.
  • Economy: While the Korean War was subsiding, the infrastructure rebuilding program initiated by President Trump on 2024 had started to work well into this year, however stock markets will soon recover by two years and the economy will likely fully recover to pre-2022 levels by four years' time, just in time for the next decade to reach another booming point again.
  • Diplomacy: It's time to make South America chaotic and bring a whole new world of challenges for El Tudor.
    • South Korea: We had enough of bickering with your own local interests over North Korea. We're now pulling out slowly now because the war has almost subsided and we don't need any soldiers in the Korean front anymore.
    • Israel: The United States reversed all policies by Trump regarding about Jerusalem and Israel. This meant that the whole of Jerusalem is no longer recognised as the capital and would most likely hinder relations, however the embassy in West Jerusalem will still not be moved after the Jerusalem Embassy Act was put in effect by Trump a while ago. However they want a two-state solution to be found to satisfy both sides (Palestine and Israel). (With the United States' government "cutting almost every aspect" in settlements under a Democratic president it doesn't actually mean there are still private companies and some billionaries in the United States "almost untraced" who support Israel and donating at least $1 billion this year)
    • Palestine: Although it seems that they might not be satisfied now, the United States is pulling itself out of the Israel and Palestine problem and much of the Middle Eastern affairs by now but only if the two state solution is found that satsifies both sides (Palestine and Israel). (I prefer it to be 1967 over the UN Partition Plan back in 1950 or something)
    • Turkey: Still going to keep the sanctions over Cyprus until further notice of no "secret or indirect influence of the Greek part of Cyprus".
    • Kurdistan: Bye we won't support you anymore, but you can keep all of your lovely stashes of money from "rich boy Trump" to good use. This is quite unexpected though, considering the US has only supported them for one year, though Warren only supports for an independent Kurdish nation, funding will all be slashed down to the point where it was barely visible on anyone's tracks.
    • Venezuela: The opposition and any potential pro-democratic militia groups are funded inside Venezuela to topple the socialist regime held together by Maduro, mainly because people would've suffered a lot for the past ten years and there is an economic crisis ongoing. We want Venezuela to stop expelling all Western diplomats over their own soil.

Islamic Republic of Iran[]

  • Government:
    • 2025 Election: The 2025 election resulted in a landslide victory for Estafahni, with his supporters citing his economic policies, military advancements, and surveillance security as major factors in winning the election. However, many opposition groups accused Estafahni of rigging the election
    • Increased Surveillance: Accusations of  hidden authoritarian movements by external opposition forces of President Estafahni and his administration has increased Iran's effectiveness in surveillance after a terrorist was captured after bombing Tehran, claiming to "bring attention and freedom to the harsh treatment of Kurds". Thankfully, none had died, but 3 civilians were seriously injured and 13 others suffering from minor wounds. One civilian has lost her arm.
    • Rivash Scandal: Unfortunately, the announcement of some elements of the surveillance program, it was meant to be a counter measure to protect Iranians against terrorist attacks and radical elements of Islam. However, this good measure was quickly clouded by the Rivash Scandal. In a small town of about (now) 5,000 residence, the Scandal erupted from the discovery of several government officials (not originally from Estafahni's administration, of course, but rather he kept them) engaging in corruption outside of the law through gambling (Maisir). Gambling was considered an evil by the Islamic religion and the officials were jailed upon discovery. This deeply affected the Estafahni administration in its negativity. 
    • Shekak Massacre: Several weeks after the Kurdish terrorist attack, Estafahni ordered all Kurds to be interrogated and "reprocessed/educated" in fear of Kurdish Iranians splintering off to join Kurdistan (and to prevent further terrorist attacks). However, one Kurdish tribe was shown to be highly resistant to Gov. orders. Tensions arose before the bubble popped when Shekak tribe started to "defend their homeland" by resisting, harrassing, and even attacking Military Police. One incident occured when a small brawl between MPs and Tribesmen led to a bloodbath when MPs retreated and open fired on the crowd of Tribesmen. Word spread of the fight and hours later entire villages were in open arms and fighting gov. troops. This escalated into the massacre of the Shekak tribe. Attempted cover-ups had failed and this was reported over Iranian media by "freedom" opposition forces. 
  • Military:
    • Land Force: 
      • Reg. Infantry: 700,000 (3.2 Million Reserves)
      • Tankforces: 700 tanks
      • Mobile forces: 2,100 vehicles
      • Transports: 6,000 vehicles (both military and civilian-grade)
      • Artillery: 200 artillery of various classes
    • Navy:
      • Battleships: 16
      • Transports: 28
      • Destroyers: 6
      • Submarines: 10
      • Patroll: 32
    • Air Force:
      • Fighter: 40
      • Transport: 50 aircraft
      • Bombers: 25
      • Un-manned: 75
    • Conflicts
      • Western Iran Clashes: Renewed clashes dated to 2016 in Western Iran between pro- and anti-government forces became more common after the 2025 election.  
      • Rise of Insurgency groups: Rise of insurgency groups in 2024 had evolved from Western Iran Clashes, but are distinct due to the difference within cause. Many opposition forces from outside of Iran formed underground sects and militia groups that adopted western ideas that seek to depose the current government. The forces are diverse and unstable, but many believed they are more moral and ethical than the current government.
  • Economy:
    • 2021 Nationwide Recession: The 2021 Reccession had mostly resided by 2025, citing full recovery that could come within the next 1-2 years.
  • Diplomacy: Iran still maintains a hardline stance against infringing elements conducted by any Western entities within the Middle-east. Since 2021, Iran became increasingly more interested in particiption of Middle-eastern affairs, seeing itself as it's natural protector.
    • Turkey: Ok?
    • Houthi Yemen: We pull our support from these groups.
    • Oman: Sounds reasonable for now.


Sweden denies the merger.

The Hadi government relinquishes their claim as the legitimate Yemeni government, due to their ties to Saudi Arabia, however the Houthis strengthen their claim after this, but is only supported by the higher-ups of the insurgency.

Kuwait accepts the proposal and becomes a member of the Arabian Union.

After a poll conducted in Yemen shows that the people there are willing to have any government outside the current two fighting in the civil war, Jordan accepts.

Democratization begins to gain support in more autocratic nations, especially since the democratization of Indochina and more recently, Saudi Arabia.

Several nations applaud the current decisions made by the United States, especially in the Middle Eastern region. Although Israel has spoken out against this, public opinion on the Israel-Palestine issue is slowly changing, and certain groups within Israel and Palestine push for a permanent two-state option.

The Yemeni Civil War slows down a bit after the Hadi government dropped their claim. Citizens are already pushing for an end to the civil war that has plagued the country for years.

The Korean War officially ends as Chinese and Korean forces meet in Pyongyang. Kim Jong Un is captured and trialed for his crimes against humanity, and sentenced to life in prison. However, new VR and neurotechnological advances have resulted in the former dictator serving an accelerated 10 years every month for the rest of his life.

With efforts from all over the world in helping to rebuild the cities incinerated in nuclear hellfire increasing, Nagoya, Guam and Oahu have been declared safe, but still off limits until infrastructure is rebuilt. Shanghai, Daegu and Haenam are expected to follow in the coming years, and experts predict affected cities will return to normal radiation levels in a few years.

Revolts in Cyprus outline the apparent aggressive expansion of Turkey, and neighbouring states begin subtly building up defences. Meanwhile, more Armenians live in Eastern Turkey now.

Ukraine speaks out against the ignorance of the world in response to the situation between them, Donetsk and Russia. They call upon the EU and the UN to look into this immediately and apply justice where necessary.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia[]

  • Government
    • The Constitutional Kingdom: As the Kingdom progresses, King Mohammed unveiled his new constitution, to replace the Quran. This was met with dissatisfaction from the conservative and religious communities; however, the constitution is only a small part of the larger Liberal Kingdom project.
    • The Democratic Kingdom: The first elections are held in Saudi Arabia to determine the Prime Minister of the nation. The candidates, by law, were chosen by the King himself. The candidates were:
      • Dhaki el-Nasser - socialist, wants to close the wage gap and spread equality across Saudi Arabia. Poll - <1%
      • Naasiruddeen el-Riaz - conservative, wants to create a liberal, yet religious kingdom. Poll - >43%
      • Sahl al-Qazi - secularist, wants to turn Mecca and Medina into free cities within a confederation of Arabians. Poll - 22%
      • Khalid al-Saud - liberal, wants to defuse tensions in the middle east and establish Saudi Arabia as a standard for middle eastern nations to follow. Poll - 34%
      • The election was significant, as the King had decided to pick candidates from across the spectrum, and including his own brother, Khalid. Nasser was polled low due to the critical situation in Venezuela doing him no favours. Qazi's notions of secularism did not fit well with the religious populace, although many were willing to consider him. Many saw Prince Khalid's bid as a means to gain more power, although Khalid announced he would renounce his royal title should he become Prime Minister. Riaz was the most popular, due to the apparent establishment of the status quo that King Mohammed had been gradually chipping away at. Regardless of this, the first round of the election went quite differently.
      • Saudi General Election: First Round
      • Naasiruddeen el-Riaz: 43%
      • Khalid al-Saud: 40%
      • Sahl al-Qazi: 16%
      • Dhaki el-Nasser: 1%
      • Khalid and Riaz had advanced to the second round. This was very concerning for Riaz and the conservatives in the nation, as Khalid had exceeded expectations, becoming somewhat of a populist candidate, as compared to the conservative status-quo message that Riaz was sending. Unlike the first round, political commentators found it quite easy to predict the winner of the second round.
      • Saudi General Election: Second Round
      • Khalid al-Saud: 53%
      • Naasiruddeen el-Riaz: 47%
      • Khalid al-Saud became the first Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. Some called for recounts; however, as the international community had been closely monitoring this election, the election was free from tampering, apart from Riaz supporters occasionally voting more than once.
    • Saudi Vision 2030 (2015 to 2030): With more successes in infrastructure and the economy, and the new liberal Prime Minister, the Saudi Vision is slowly becoming more realised. Saudi Arabia is being catapulted into the future.
      • To have three Saudi cities be recognized in the top-ranked 100 cities in the world
      • To increase household spending on cultural and entertainment activities inside the Kingdom from the current level of 2.9% to 6%
      • To increase the ratio of individuals exercising at least once a week from 13% of the population to 40%
      • To increase our capacity to welcome Umrah visitors from 8 million to 30 million every year.
      • To more than double the number of Saudi heritage sites registered with UNESCO.
      • To raise our position from 26 to 10 in the Social Capital index.
      • To increase the average life expectancy from 74 years to 80 years
      • To lower the rate of unemployment from 11.6% to 7%.
      • To increase SME contribution to GDP from 20% to 35%.
      • To increase women’s participation in the workforce from 22% to 30%.
      • To move from our current position as the 19th largest economy in the world into the top 15.
      • To increase the localization of oil and gas sectors from 40% to 75%
      • To increase the Public Investment Fund’s assets, from SAR 600 billion to over 7 trillion.
      • To rise from our current position of 25 to the top 10 countries on the Global Competitiveness Index
      • To increase foreign direct investment from 3.8% to the international level of 5.7% of GDP.
      • To increase the private sector's contribution from 40% to 65% of GDP.
      • To raise our global ranking in the Logistics Performance Index from 49 to 25 and ensure the Kingdom is a regional leader
      • To raise the share of non-oil exports in non-oil GDP from 16% to 50%
      • To increase non-oil government revenue from SAR 163 billion to SAR 1 Trillion.
      • To raise our ranking in the Government Effectiveness Index, from 80 to 20.
      • To raise our ranking on the E-Government Survey Index from our current position of 36 to be among the top five nations.
      • To increase household savings from 6% to 10% of total household income
      • To raise the non-profit sector’s contribution to GDP from less than 1% to 5%
      • To rally one million volunteers per year (compared to 11,000 now)
    • Military Infrastructure (2024 to 2027): The Saudi Military Infrastructure project continues, as tensions in the Middle East begin to stagnate. Due to other projects taking hold, King Mohammed has decided to cut the funding and reduce the scope of the project. The project will build fewer bases; however, these bases will be more defensible than originally thought.
    • The Liberal Kingdom:  Male Guardian laws are abolished, giving women equal rights to men. However, the King will not stop the project there. the King has stated that he wants to combat sexism and has given women prominent jobs in the new government, not only because of their talent but also to promote egalitarianism.
    • Persian Incursion: The new Saudi government has been studying the Iranians since their formation early this year. as the situation in Yemen changes for the better, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict moves one step closer to resolution, Saudi Arabia now fears a new conflict within Iran. The Shekak Massacre, in particular, was very troublesome for the Saudis, due to very good relations with the Kurdish. The Saudi government has decided that it will continue to support Kurdistan, no matter what actions the Iranians take, and if Kurdish sovereignty is threatened further, Saudi Arabia may have to directly intervene. Due to this, preparation begins with a potential intervention. Intelligence reports are created, using Saudi clandestine operatives, so that Saudi Arabia may aid potential rebel forces in the event of further Iranian aggression against Kurdistan.
  • Royal Saudi Arabian Armed Forces: The Royal Saudi Arabian Armed Forces consists of the Royal Saudi Land Forces, the Royal Saudi Air Force, the Royal Saudi Navy, the Royal Saudi Air Defense, and the Royal Saudi Strategic Missile Force.
    • Personnel: As the population increases so does the number of those fit for service. There are now 15.8 million Saudi Arabians fit for service. King Mohammed's conscription plan is scaled down but widened. The number of reserves increased by 120,000 due to this. So the reserve personnel are now at 645,000, and the active personnel are now at 271,000.
    • Gulf Operations: With a new Aircraft Carrier completed, the Arabian Gulf fleet is becoming increasingly powerful, in response to worries about [REDACTED]. A new destroyer is undergoing final checks and will be deployed next year. More patrol craft are deployed to protect Saudi waters.
    • Yemeni Civil War: In conjunction with Omani forces, the RSAF continues bombing raids on Al-Qaeda's military bases. As the Hadi government has stood down, Saudi forces relieve Hadi of his position in government, replacing him with Kaalim el-Mousa, one of the King's close advisors and administrators, of Yemeni birth. Saudi Arabia gives Yemen aid and support but does not directly intervene.
    • Royal Saudi Land Forces: The RSLF is the largest branch of the Saudi Arabia Armed Forces. They have 82,000 personnel, 1,462 Combat Tanks, 5,925 Armored Fighting Vehicles, 613 Self-Propelled Artillery, 516 Towed Artillery, and 394 Rocket Projectors.
    • Royal Saudi Air Force: The RSAF is the aviation branch of the Saudi Arabia Armed Forces. They have 62,000 personnel, 231 Fighter Aircraft, 271 Attack Aircraft, 256 Transport Aircraft, 267 Trainer Aircraft, and 33 Attack Helicopters.
    • Royal Saudi Navy: The RSN is the naval branch of the Saudi Arabia Armed Forces. They have 69,000 personnel, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 7 Frigates, 2 Destroyers, 5 Corvettes, 34 Patrol Craft, and 3 Mine Warfare Vessels.
  • Diplomacy
    • Houthi Yemen: Yemen would like a truce. Saudi Arabia pledges that, if we stop fighting, North Yemen will be given a secession referendum, so that it can be determined if North Yemen and South Yemen should truly become separate. Saudi Arabia recognises that the vast differences in culture between the two Yemens are too great to unify such an unstable region. A Republican North Yemen would have the full support of the Arabian Union, which wants stability in the region and nothing else.
    • Iran: Stop. The Shekak Massacre was uncalled for. Those innocent people did not deserve to die. In response to this attack against the Kurdish people, Saudi Arabia is extensively increasing the aid and support given to Kurdistan. Your actions will not go unnoticed.
    • Kurdistan: Saudi Arabia would like to buy more oil from Kurdistan. Also, we will be extensively increasing our support for you in the face of Iranian aggression against their own Kurdish people.
    • Mousa Yemen: Thank you, President Mousa, for standing by Saudi Arabia and the Yemeni people. We highly suggest that you support our negotiations for a truce with the Houthis.
    • Arabian Union: Saudi Arabia welcomes the three newest members of the Arabian Union - Kuwait, Jordan, and Yemen. The current priority is securing a deal with the Houthi government and restoring peace to the region so that rebuilding efforts can begin and life can return to normalcy there.
    • Turkey: The Saudi government implores you to consider Kurdish independence, for the sake of their people. Recent events in Iran have shown that the state of the Kurdish people will only get worse if actions are not taken to secure a nation for them. This nation must include Turkish Kurdistan, as it is home to so many Kurds. We cannot take homes away from innocent people with only corrupt and egotistical reasoning.

Islamic Republic of Iran[]

  • Government:
    • Government declares martial law: The government of Iran declares martial law after several more terrorist attacks increased in intensity outside of Tehran. 100,000 troops are deployed to contain any unrest within Western Iran.
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      Symbol of rebellion. The Iranian sword is converted to point upwards to symbolize "resistence".

    • Western Rebellions: The intensity of the terrorist attacks caused a great decline within the potential economic prosperity that awaited Iran. Despite this negative reception by the Iran state controlled media, many groups in Western Iran (mainly fueled by opposition and reformist supported forces) took this moment of instability and chaos to storm or raid local provincial or municipal government buildings, starting from the Kurds. Equipped with black-market weaponry provided by several terrorist groups (such as Mujahedin), corporations, and Kurdish sympathizing forces (in Kurdistan), rebellious groups attacked the government forces sent to contain the rebels later within the year. Many news outlets around the world forecasted a possible outright civil war within Iran, others say it is merely a conflict within Western Iran. One of the main rising leaders of the rebellions is Afar Sarrans, grabbing the lower part of the Iranian emblem to resemble a sword and two crescents as a sign of rebellion. Loyalist forces within the region adopted a sword pointing downwards, with 4 crescents symbolizing wings.
  • Military:
    • Land Force: 
      • Reg. Infantry: 800,000 (3.1 Million Reserves)
      • Tankforces: 750 tanks
      • Mobile forces: 2,100 vehicles
      • Transports: 6,000 vehicles (both military and civilian-grade)
      • Artillery: 200 artillery of various classes
    • Navy:
      • Battleships: 20
      • Transports: 30
      • Destroyers: 7
      • Submarines: 10
      • Patroll: 38
    • Air Force:
      • Fighter: 40
      • Transport: 50 aircraft
      • Bombers: 25
      • Un-manned: 75
    • Conflicts
      • "Western Iran" Conflict: (See Western Rebellion)
  • Economy:
    • 2021 Nationwide Recession: The 2021 Reccession had mostly resided by 2025, but in early-2026 the economy had a major drop within Iran due to the increasing intensity of terrorist attacks.
  • Diplomacy: Iran still maintains a hardline stance against infringing elements conducted by any Western entities within the Middle-east. Since 2021, Iran became increasingly more interested in particiption of Middle-eastern affairs, seeing itself as it's natural protector.
    • Turkey: You must understand, we were attacked and was responding accordingly. If anything happened, it's for self defense.


Israel lessens their verbal assaults on Palestinian matters, choosing to step more carefully. Palestine takes up a less offensive stance in accordance to this.

The Houthi agree to the terms laid out by Saudi Arabia, at the prospect of a North Yemen.

Kurdistan begins selling more oil to the Saudis.

Protests occur in Riyadh over the democratization of the state, mainly constituted of former officials and the conservative wealthy. Other Islamic nations watch the events in Saudi Arabia closely, some beginning to follow similar changes.

Poll to decide on the future of Fractured[]
