TheFutureOfEuropes Wiki
ICDN Flag This nation is a member of the ICDN

FlAg--- This nation was involved in Yutepanian-Arkmarken wars.
New Findrak Order
Findrake OfficialFindrakCOA
Flag Coat of arms
"We Must Fight On!"
"Their Blood was Purple"
Map of findrake 2017
Capital Kralast
Capital-in-exile Derment
Languages English (Official), Finnish, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Georgian, Romanian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian
Ethnic groups White- 67%

Asian- 13% Black- 11% Other- 9%

Demonym Findrak
Religion Atheist (64%), Christian (16%), Jewish (12%), Muslim (8%)
Government Republic {{{common_name}}}, {{{year_start}}}]]
President Kristian Meri
Legislature Findrak Lawful Assembly (F.L.A)
 -  56.5 Million people 
GDP (PPP) 2017
 -  Total 2.67 Trillion USD
 -  Per capita 34,845.76 USD
HDI (2017) Increase 0.917
very high
Currency Euro
Drives on the Right
Calling code [[Telecommunications of {{{common_name}}}|++85]]
Internet TLD .fd

Findrake is General Snow's (he used to be Bahamutman) ON. It is a country in Europe and Asia, and it covers a sixth of the landmass of Russia. It has a stronk military, and a good economy.

It can be considered Uralic, Finnic, Slavic, Indo-European, or West Germanic, considering its three official languages (English, Finnish, and Russian) But Findrake is commonly called a Slavic country due to its geographical location in Russia.

As of October 28, 2017 (in real life) Findrake has changed from being a Constitutional Monarchy into a Republic, due to the deaths of the king and prime minister of Findrake.




15th Century[]

In 1438, the leader of Russia was stabbed by a Swedish mercenary. Soon, Russia's land was free for the taking. Naturally, many European, Asian, and even already Russian citizens moved into the country. One of the biggest hotspots for landings was the very north of Russia.

At first, many Finnish people had moved there, and then the English. The Finnish and English became good friends, and they worked peacefully together in harmony for 4 years. Then, in 1942, the Spaniards came. Many large gunboats arrived at the settlements, and fired upon the English. The Finnish were mortally wounded, but they peacefully marched away towards the large mountain of Mt. Widet. The man at the front of the line was Francois Drake, the soon-to-be founder and namesake of the country of Findrake. This march became known as the Cannonfire March, because the Finnish marched under Spanish cannonballs. It is celebrated every year by the Findrak.

Soon, the line arrived at the mountain. Ten men, included Drake himself climbed up the mountain, in a long trek lasting many weeks. They soon reached the top, and were on the only safe place from their Spanish attackers. They built camp there, and over the course of many months, built it into a large city, with many people risking their lives to escape from the Spanish to the mountain. This city was soon named Derment, and the citizens there soon constructed a plan to destroy their Spanish oppressors.

Crappy MSpaint Findrake Flag

The Findrak Flag.

1 month later, the Spanish camp of Del Megato was besieged by a running, armed crowd of Findrak

Super cool enhanced ultra findrake flag

A better version of the Findrake flag created by Frezepond.

men. The Spanish's guns were incapable of firing, because the Finnish's English friends had jammed their guns. After many days of fighting, the Spanish surrendered. Spanish were moved to a different area of the ex- Russian land.

17th Century[]

Many years later, the Rus tribes returned. The Rus, however, just peacefully took their non-claimed land. Findrake also designed their first flag this century, and they designed their flag. It had a mountain in the center, which represented Mt.Widet, and the mountain was purple to represent the blood and tears of the Finnish people. It also had a red star divided into 10 portions above it, to represent the 10 men who climbed the mountain. The sky above it was black, to represent the Spanish cannons. Nothing else happened in the century, and soon enough, it was the 18th Century.

18th Century[]

In 1709, the British queen claimed that Findrake was rightfully theirs, and installed an absolute monarchy into Findrake. In 1714, the Queen died, and Findrake became a constitutional monarchy again. Nothing much happened until 1914, in World War I.

World War I[]

The German Empire and the British were battling it out in a war that swept up the continent, and the Findrak didn't want to get involved. They kept on building towns, and creating art, poetry, and music, until one day, when the Ottoman Empire extended into Findrak territory. No one had seen the Findrak's fighting skills since 1442, and boy, were they not prepared. The Findraks came rushing over the hills, screaming "Paratiisi!", their country's motto. They cut up the Ottoman imperials with their bayonets, and shot up the rest with their rifles. Soon, Findrake became very, very involved. They defeated the Ottoman Empire AGAIN at the battle of Suotri, and bashed the Bulgarians. They attacked the Austrian-Hungarians, and finally, whooped the Germans in their own territory. After the war, they attended the League of Nations summit, and they became good allies with the Americans and the Russians.

Findraks in WW1

Findrak men in WW1.

20th Century[]

The Findrak were doing pretty well, and their GDP rose, and rose, and then the Great Depression hit America, their greatest trade allies. Soon, the Findrak economy was crappy too. They watched their GDP drop to a measly 100 dollars, and they suffered for a few years, until 1930.

The Finnish had offered a deal to the Findrak. They would give them a good amount of money to help reboot the Findrak Economy, if the Findrak would help them in the next armed conflict that occurred. Findrak said yes, unaware of the deep trouble they would be pulled into.


9 years passed, and it was 1939. World War II had just begun, and Findrake was near Norway. Norway was part of the Third Reich, and Findrake wanted to liberate it. As soon as their soldiers set foot on Norweigan coast, they received a telegram from the Finnish. They were part of the Axis, and the Findrak were pulled into it as well. They joined the Third Reich as a vassal state, and did horrible things under Nazi rule. In the 40s, Finland left the Axis, and so did Findrake. They destroyed the Nazi oligarchy in place, and fired a missile into the heart of Germany- Berlin. The bomb exploded- and the Germans were significantly weakened. This allowed the British to push further into Duetschland, and soon, WWII was ended. The UN was created, and Findrake was one of the first members, along with the US, the UK, and the USSR.

The Cold War[]

17 years passed, and it was 1962. The Cold War was in progress, and Russia was just on the border of Findrake. Findrake was allies with the US at the time, and also Russia. The US pressured them to join them, and let US troops pass through Findrake and destroy Russia. Russia pressured Findrake to let them use their nuke launching sites, because they were closer to the US, and could threaten the US better. Findrake's government officials were torn between the USSR, and the USA. Soon, the USSR sympathizers left the Findrak government, and US sympathizers replaced them. The USSR sympathizers gathered a militia, and built a wall similar to the Berlin Wall in Germany at the time. Then, they enforced a Socialist government on the east portion of Findrake. Western Findrake was created thanks to the wall, and they remained a constitutional monarchy. They were horrified at the idea of the USSR engulfing their land, and so, in 1963, Western Findrake demolition experts went over to the Findrake Wall and blew it up. The civil war between East and West Findrake had finally begun.

East Findrake had support from the Spetsnaz, and teams of Eastern Findrak/Soviet troops ran over the rubble of the wall. They massacred a large amount of military personnel and civilians in the Western Genocide of 1963. The US sent Green Berets over to protect the Findrak citizens, and the Spetsnaz left the area, leaving the Eastern Findrak soldiers alone to defend themselves. A new wall was built by Western Findrake this time, and they took a portion of East Findrake in the process. Snipers were placed all over the wall, as well as machine gunners. Eastern raiders would attack every once in a while, but they got shot down easily before doing any damage.

Then in 1967, the Eastern Armed Forces fired a nuke at Western Findrake.

Eastern Findrake took over, and the USSR ate up Findrake's landmass. Soviet Findrake was established, and citizens who lived in the Western portion were under strict surveillance by the Findrak government. All hope was not lost, however. An underground resistance force was founded, named the FRF (Findrak Reclaiming Force). The FRF became stronger and stronger, and in 1970, they emerged from the shadows, and attacked an Eastern Law Association building. They took out most East Officials, and held the rest hostage. Russia declared the FRF terrorists, but the USA declared them allies. The FRF soon spared their hostages, and destroyed the wall in a large-scale siege, where FRF troops armed with RPGs fired at the wall, eventually destroying it. 3 years of conflict between the FRF and the Eastern Armed Forces occurred, and in 1973, the battles ended. Findrake reunited again, and became a constitutional monarchy again. The Eastern Officials were arrested for war crimes, and most Eastern Armed Forces were put under temporary house arrest. In 1991, the USSR collapsed, and many Findrak celebrated.

Findrake has gone under many changes over the years. From just a peaceful, small society, to a large monarchy, to a constitutional monarchy, to a Nazi Oligarchy. They went back to a constitutional monarchy, and became a socialist puppet state of the Soviet Union. Then, back to the constitutional monarchy. Findrake has gone through many troubles, and always had gotten through them, no matter how hard. Findrak citizens can know this, and raise their head in pride.

New Findrak Order[]

Ever since 1958, the Findrak had been working on a space program. Unlike the USSR's space program and the United States' space program, Findrake was working on something much, much larger.

In September 2017, Findrake announced the Findrak Space Navy, which was a large fleet of space travelling ships. There were destroyer classes, cruiser classes, and battleship classes like the normal Navy, however.

They launched their Navy into space, as an exploration mission. These ships were capable of speed-of-light travel, so they traveled to the potentially habitable exoplanet, known as Proxima Centauri b.

Upon arriving in Proxima Centauri b, one of the ships received direct laser fire, and blew up shortly after. This ship was a weakly armored Space destroyer, however. Other larger ships received fire as well, but managed to survive, only losing some shield power.

The Space Navy began to fire missiles at the planet, but these exploded before reaching the exoplanet's surface, imp


Aatos and Erno had died, and there was no leader of Findrake.

The ships turned around and retreated back to Earth, landing in the city of Kralast.

The General of the Army at the time, an 58 year old man named Kristian Meri, was made president of Findrake.

He changed the government to a Republic, as there were no more heirs to the throne of Findrak Monarch, and Erno had died.

He knew that this would be the start of something new in Findrak history, and changed the name to "The New Findrak Order" to reflect this.

It was a new era in Findrak history.

Project MKUltra Leak[]

On October 14, 2017, a group of hackers hacked into the Findrak government's database, and discovered a strange folder marked "MKU". Upon uponing it, they found an assortment of documents named after dates. These documents were scans of documents related to the CIA project known as "MKUltra", a top secret project that experimented with drugs on their participants.

These scans were leaked to the public on websites such as the /x/ board on 4chan, and immediately blew up with popoularity, with thousands of news outlets across the world reporting on the scandal.

According to these scans, the Findrak military would act as guards to facilities where the project was being practiced, and even execute people int he name of the project. 400 Findrak men were identified to be associated with the projects, both scientists and soldiers. But one name was the most frightening to see on the list.

Kristian Meri.

Kristian Meri was a guard at one of the facilities of the time, and was, at the time of this discovery, President of Findrake. Kristian was immediately questioned, and sent out the following statement.

"It is true I, and many other men, were involved in the experiments on fellow human beings in the MKUltra projects of the 20th century.

Let it be known, however, that we had been lied to.

The CIA and other powers of the United States of America told us that they were simply interrogating Soviet spies- and that was all we knew. We assumed that the men we had executed were just Soviets, and not simple civilians."

This was huge. A conspiracy had become unraveled- and the United States president. Donald Trump, was immediately questioned. He did not answer any journalists, however.

Then on October 21st, a new data leak occurred. What Kristian had said was indeed true. Documents were discovered that were traded between high ranking US officials that said things such as "The Findrak do not know about the true meaning of MKUltra. We are safe for now."

On October 26th, Donald Trump announced that trade and alliance between Findrake and the United States would be cancelled.

On October 28th, more disturbing documents were revealed showing that the United States abducted and conducted experiments on some Findrak men themselves without the Findrak's knowledge. One disturbing account says the following-

"The Findrak man was frothing at the mouth. He began screaming and cursing in Finnish, and tried to throw his chair at me. I called for backup, and he received 2 bullets to the head, killing him instantly. We will take procedures to dispose of the body and cover up his death soon."

Kristian Meri then said something to Donald Trump, and the American leadership as a whole-

"This will not be accepted. You've killed and tortured our own without our consent. The day of revenge is near, and you will pay for your actions."


Findrake is a somewhat large nation located in northwestern Russia.

Findrake's climate is very cold, considering it's part of Russia, and tourists typically have a hard time adjusting to it. Thanks to this freezing cold temperature, mostly bears, rabbits, and other furry animals live there. Not many plants live outdoors- in fact, 98% of them live indoors, in pots. The other 2% are trees. However, Findrak scientists have created facilities for growing crops, so Findrak people are not completely foreign to the taste of fruits or vegetables.



Nation Date Alliance Creator Flag


Name Date Why? Creator

Biggest Cities[]

The biggest city is Derment, the ex-capital, followed by Kralast and Obai. These three cities hold a third of the Findrak population.


Findrak is divided into ten regions, each of which signify one of the mountain climbers. Each has a capital, and they are named after one of the men. There is Drake, which has the capital of Derment, Itorro, which has the capital of Kralast, Oskari, which has the capital of Obai, and etc.

Region Name Capital of Region Coat of Arms
Drake Derment
Itorro Kralast
Oskari Obai
Oja Leo
Hatala Lindholm
Kalm Toivanen
Salo Kettola
Roope Harju
Toni Mikkola
Into Vesa


English is the official language of Findrake, and about 99% of the Findrak population knows how to speak the language fluently. Finnish is the second largest language in the nation, and about 82% of the population can speak it fluently.


The Armed Forces of the Purple Mountain (Asevoimien on Violetti Vuori) is a reasonably powerful military.

It is divided into five parts- Drake's Army, Derment's Special Corps, The Findrak Sea Enforcement, The Red Star Air Force, and Motherland Protection.

As of September 2017, the Space Navy was added to the Findrak army. It uses the same ranking system as the Findrak Navy.

Ranks of Drake's Army and Derment's Special Corps[]

  • E-1- Sotamies
  • E-2- Sotamies 2
  • E-3- Edellä
  • E-4- Yli
  • E-5- Oppipoika
  • E-6- Voimakas
  • E-7- Tehokas
  • E-8- Ensimmäinen luokka
  • E-9- Hallita
  • E-9- Mestari
  • E-9 (Special)- Komentaja
  • W-1- Upseeri
  • W-2- Upseeri 2
  • W-3- Upseeri 3
  • W-4- Upseeri 4
  • W-5- Upseeri 5
  • O-1- Toinen
  • O-2- Kolmas
  • O-3- Johtaja
  • O-4- Voimanpesä
  • O-5- Hopea
  • O-6- Lintu
  • O-7- Neljäs
  • O-8- Viides
  • O-9- Kuudes
  • O-10- Seitsemäs
  • WARTIME- Toru Armeija

Ranks of the Findrak Sea Enforcement, Motherland Protection, and Space Navy[]

  • E-1- Merimies
  • E-2- Merimies Piene
  • E-3- Merimies Suuri
  • E-4- Pikku
  • E-5- Pikku Yksi
  • E-6- Pikku Kaksi
  • E-7- Päällikkö
  • E-8- Vanhempi
  • E-9- Halliti
  • E-10- Laivasto Halliti
  • E-11- Laivasto Herra
  • W-1- Virkamies 1
  • W-2- Virkamies 2
  • W-3- Virkamies 3
  • W-4- Virkamies 4
  • W-5- Virkamies 5
  • O-1- Aliluutnantti
  • O-2- Lasten
  • O-3- Seniori
  • O-4- Apila
  • O-5- Lehdet
  • O-6- Kotka
  • O-7- Ainut
  • O-8- Kerrottu
  • O-9- Kolmi
  • O-10- Nelinkertaistaa
  • WARTIME- Viiden

Ranks of the Red Star Air Force[]

  • E-1- Lentäjä
  • E-2- Lentäjä Ykkösluokan
  • E-3- Lentäjä Vanhempi
  • E-4- Esikunta
  • E-5- Tekninen
  • E-6- Ilmamestari
  • E-7- Ilmatimmanti
  • E-8- Vanhempi Ilmamestari
  • E-9- Ilmajohtaja
  • E-10- Timmantijohtaja
  • E-11- Komentojohtaja
  • E-12- UltrajohtajaO-1- Toinen
  • O-2- Kolmas
  • O-3- Johtaja
  • O-4- Voimanpesä
  • O-5- Hopea
  • O-6- Lintu
  • O-7- Neljäs
  • O-8- Viides
  • O-9- Kuudes
  • O-10- Yleistailma
  • O-11- Ilmaherra

Divisions of the Findrak Army[]

The FAF is heavily inspired by the US Armed Forces, so they divide their armed forces in a very similar way.


First Findrak Army (1900-present) (Based in the Drake region of Findrake)

Second Findrak Army (1936- present) (Based in the Oja region of Findrake)

Third Findrak Army (1945- present) (Based in the Hatala region of Findrake)

Fourth Findrak Army (1952- present) (Based in the Salo region of Findrake)

Fifth Findrak Army (1967- present) (Based in the Kalm region of Findrake)

Sixth Findrak Army "Europe Control" (1945- present) (Based in Marsielle, France)

Seventh Findrak Army "Asia Control" (1955- present) (Based in Incheon, South Korea)

Eighth Findrak Army "Africa Control" (1918- present) (Based in Rabat, Morocco)

Ninth Findrak Army "America Control" (1968- present) (Based in Georgetown, Guyana)


II Findrak Corps (1919- present) (Based in Fort Marko, Into Region)

V Findrak Corps (1948- present) (Based in Fort Lassi, Toni Region)

VIII Findrak Corps (1982- present) (Based in Fort Sami, Roope Region)


Third Armored Division "Rocket" (1930-present) (Based in Torsti Region of Findrake)

Fourth Armored Division "Clank" (1942-present) (Based in Oskari Region of Findrake) (Currently Stationed in Ether)


First Cavalry Division "Metal Horse" (1928- present) (Based in Torsti Region of Findrake)


1st Infantry Division "First" (1900-present) (Based in Drake Region of Findrake)

2nd Infantry Division "Playground" (1901-present) (Based in Oskari Region of Findrake) (Currently Stationed in Ether)

3rd Infantry Division "Iron Fist" (1902-present) (Based in Torsti Region of Findrake)

4th Infantry Division "Blue" (1903-present) (Based in Roope Region of Findrake) (Currently Stationed in Ether)

14th Infantry Division "Black Comb" (1914- present) (Based in Porto, Portugal)

15th Infantry Division "Friday" (1915- present) (Based in Birmingham, UK)

16th Infantry Division "Strike" (1916- present) (Based in Zurich, Switzerland)

17th Infantry Division "Red" (1917- present) (Based in Rome, Italy)

18th Infantry Division "Lord" (1918- present) (Based in Hamburg, Germany)

29th Infantry Division "Jack" (1929- present) (Based in Hanoi, Vietnam)

30th Infantry Division "Chuck" (1930-present) (Based in Al Basrah, Iraq)

31st Infantry Division "Moon" (1931- present) (Based in Karachi, Pakistan)

32nd Infantry Division "Jupiter" (1932- present) (Based in Jakarta, Indonesia)

33rd Infantry Division "Saturn" (1933- present) (Based in Sana'a, Yemen)

44th Infantry Division "Mars" (1944-present) (Based in Iztapalapa, Mexico)

45th Infantry Division 'Neptune" (1945- present) (Based in Santiago, Chile)

46th Infantry Division "Mercury" (1946- present) (Based in La Romana, Dominican Republic)

47th Infantry Division "Sun" (1947- present) (Based in Belize City, Belize)

48th Infantry Division "Venus" (1948- present) (Based in Guayaquil, Ecuador)

59th Infantry Division "Earth" (1959- present) (Based in Cairo, Egypt)

60th Infantry Division "Uranus" (1960- present) (Based in Port-Gentil, Gabon)

61st Infantry Division "Janus" (1961- present) (Based in Nairobi, Kenya)

62nd Infantry Division "Sparta" (1962- present) (Based in Brazzaville, Congo)

63rd Infantry Division "Snowball" (1963- present) (Based in Mwanza, Tanzania)

10th Air Division "Millenium" (2000- present) (Based in Into Region, Findrake)

7th Air Division "Wolfpack" (1974- present) (Based in Chicago, USA)

Aqua Division "Impala" (1985- present) (Based in Oskari Region, Findrake)


Training Division One "Class of '01" (1901-Present) (Based in the Hatala Region of Findrake)

Training Division Two "Gust" (1919- Present) (Based in the Drake region of Findrake)


137th Paraforce "Surprisers" (1991-Present) (Based in the Oja region of Findrake)

208th Paraforce "Hellfallers" (2007-Present) (Based in the Hatala region of Findrake)

4th Combat Aviation Brigade "Skulls" (1940-Present) (Based in the Oja region of Findrake)

64th Survey Brigade "Hawkeyes" (1964-Present) (Based in the Kalm region of Findrake)

85th Survey Brigade "Keen" (1985-Present) (Based in Yokohama, Japan)

1st Engineer Brigade "Sentries" (1953- Present) (Based in the Into region of Findrake)

9th Engineer Brigade "Sappers" (1987-Present) (Based in Antwerp, Belgium)

84th Artillery Brigade "Miles" (1936-Present) (Based in the Oja Region of Findrake)

95th Artillery Brigade "Ken" (1947- Present) (Based in the Hatala Region of Findrake)

106th Artillery Brigade "Meter" (1958- Present) (Based in Seoul, South Korea)


1st Findrak Cavalier Regiment "Odyssey" (1900-Present) (Based in the Drake Region of Findrake)

2nd Findrak Cavalier Regiment "Razzle" (1910-Present) (Based in the Oja Region of Findrake)

1st Findrak Infantry Regiment "Whistler" (1900-Present) (Based in the Hatala Region of Findrake)

2nd Findrak Infantry Regiment "Mantis" (1910-Present) (Based in the Salo Region of Findrake)

1st Findrak Ranger Regiment "Team Emerald" (1900-Present) (Based in the Kalm Region of Findrake)

2nd Findrak Ranger Regiment "Team Diamond" (1910-Present) (Based in the Into Region of Findrak)

1st S.O.A. Regiment "Springboard" (1954-Present) (Based in the Toni Region of Findrake)

2nd S.O.A. Regiment "Lonestar" (1969-Present) (Based in the Roope Region of Findrake)

1st Special Forces Group "Bobcat" (1920-Present) (Based in the Oskari Region of Findrake)

2nd Special Forces Group "Eiger" (1932-Present) (Based in the Torti Region of Findrake)

3rd Special Forces Group "Mönch" (1950-Present) (Based in Baghdad, Iraq)

4th Special Forces Group "Longhorn" (1961-Present) (Based in Lagos, Nigeria)

5th Special Forces Group "Quattro" (1972-Present) (Based in Kiev, Ukraine)

6th Special Forces Group "Vail" (1983-Present) (Based in Bogota, Colombia)

7th Special Forces Group "Cougar" (1994-Present) (Based in Jakarta, Indonesia)



Military Police (1950-Present) (Based in all regions of Findrake)

Divisions of the Findrak Coast Guard[]


1st Coast Guard Group "Centro" (1918-Present) (Based in the Drake Region of Findrake)

2nd Coast Guard Group "Fiji" (1918-Present) (Based in the Oja Region of Findrake)

3rd Coast Guard Group "Aurora" (1918-Present) (Based in the Hatala Region of Findrake)

4th Coast Guard Group "Threshold" (1918-Present) (Based in the Salo Region of Findrake)

5th Coast Guard Group "Pegasus" (1918-Present) (Based in the Kalm Region of Findrake)

6th Coast Guard Group "Alder" (1918-Present) (Based in the Into Region of Findrake)

7th Coast Guard Group "Birch" (1918-Present) (Based in the Toni Region of Findrake)

8th Coast Guard Group "Cedar" (1918-Present) (Based in the Roope Region of Findrake)

9th Coast Guard Group "Talisker" (1918-Present) (Based in the Oskari Region of Findrake)

10th Coast Guard Group "Chelan" (1918-Present) (Based in the Torti Region of Findrake)


11th Coast Guard Group "Photon" (1949-Present) (Based in Northern Libya)

12th Coast Guard Group "Mango" (1974-Present) (Based in Coronesia)

13th Coast Guard Group "Lucky Thirteen" (1981-Present) (Based in East Guyana)

14th Coast Guard Group "Midori" (1995-Present) (Based in Ex-Spanish Russia)

Divisions of the Findrak Navy[]


1st Attack Carrier Division "Red Dog" (1939-Present) (Based in the Into Region of Findrake)

2nd Attack Carrier Division "Singularity" (1942- Present) (Based in the Torti Region of Findrake)

1st Attack Frigate Division "Tahiti" (1945- Present) (Based in the Oja Region of Findrake)

1st Attack Destroyer Division "Zurich" (1949- Present) (Based in the Torti Region of Findrake)

2nd Attack Destroyer Division "Continuum" (1952- Present) (Based in the Oskari Region of Findrake)

1st Attack Submarine Division "Cornerstone" (1955- Present) (Based in the Torti Region of Findrake)

2nd Attack Submarine Division "Darwin" (1958- Present) (Based in the Oskari Region of Findrake)


1st Assault Carrier Division "Frost" (1940- Present) (Based in the Kalm Region of Findrake)

1st Assault Frigate Division "Hydra" (1943-Present) (Based in the Oskari Region of Findrake)

1st Assault Destroyer Division "Jaguar" (1946-Present) (Based in the Oja Region of Findrake)

2nd Assault Destroyer Division "Monad" (1949- Present) (Based in the Roope Region of Findrake)

1st Assault Submarine Division "Morro" (1956- Present) (Based in the Oskari Region of Findrake)

2nd Assault Submarine Division "O'Hare" (1959- Present) (Based in the Drake Region of Findrake)


Seatrainer Division III "Pinball" (1939- Present) (Based in the Torti Region of Findrake)

Seatrainer Division X "Piton" (1940- Present) (Based in the Oskari Region of Findrake)

Divisions of the Findrak Air Force[]


Air Division XXXV "Protogon" (1935- Present) (Based in the Roope Region of Findrake)

Air Division XXXIX "Rincon" (1939- Present) (Based in the Drake Region of Findrake)

Air Division XL "Stimpy" (1940- Present) (Based in the Salo Region of Findrake)

Air Division LXIX "Viridian" (1969- Present) (Based in the Toni Region of Findrake)

Air Division XCI "Sphinx" (1991- Present) (Based in the Into Region of Findrake)


Air Division LXX "Plato" (1970- Present) (Based in Haifa, Israel)

Air Division LXVII "Shiloh" (1967- Present) (Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Air Division LXI "Picassoo" (1961- Present) (Based in Brussels, Belgium)

Air Division XCIII "Katmai" (1993- Present) (Based in Balti, Moldova)

Air Division XXXI "Akadia" (1931- Present) (Based in Fes, Morocco)

Air Division XLV "Kilimanjaro" (1945- Present) (Based in Fomboni, Comoros)

Air Division LXXVI "Denali" (1976- Present) (Based in Masaya, Nicaragua)

Air Division LXXXVI "Juneau" (1986- Present) (Based in San Francisco, Costa Rico)

Air Division LI "Crescent" (1951- Present) (Based in Auckland, New Zealand)

Air Division LXXXIII "Hekaton" (1983- Present) (Based in Sydney, Australia)

Land Power[]

Type of Unit Amount
Infantry 1,680,000
Tanks 12,000
Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFVs) 35,403
Self Propelled Guns (SPGs) 2,400
Towed-Artillery 902
Multiple-Launch-Rocket-Systems (MLRSs) 890

Air Power[]

Type Of Unit Amount
Total Aircraft 17,346
Fighters/Interceptors 1,926
Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft 2,379
Transport Aircraft 5,742
Trainer Aircraft 2,050
Helicopters 4,463
Attack Helicopters 804

Space Power[]

Type of Unit Amount
Total Space Strength 82,034
Space Infantry 82,000
Flagship 0
Frigates 1
Destroyers 12
Corvettes 0
Interceptors 21

Naval Power[]

Type of Unit Amount
Total Naval Strength 165
Aircraft Carriers 16
Frigates 8
Destroyers 47
Corvettes 2
Submarines 58
Coastal Defense Craft 32
Mine Warfare 2


Oil Production 6768766 bbl/day
Oil Consumption 13402323 bbl/day
Proven Oil Reserves 28446666766 bbl/day


Type of Item Amount
Labor Force 163933353
Merchant Marine Strength 420
Major Ports and Terminals 24
Roadway Coverage 4591093
Railway Coverage 15203
Serviceable Airports 9065

Financial (In USD)[]

What's Funded Amount of money put into it
Defense Budget $405,303,202,210
External Debt $9,200,300,302
Reserves of Foreign Exchange and Gold $862,333,333,333
Purchasing Power Parity $14,120,020,120


Travel Permissions[]

Findrak citizens can travel wherever they want, but if they choose to travel to a country that is considered dangerous due to diseases, they must get a pass to travel there. If they want to go to a country that is considered an enemy of Findrake, they must be a diplomat or their family.

By Land[]

A majority of Findrak citizens own a car or an other functioning personal vehicle. Some of the larger cities in Findrake have installed monorails that intertwine between their buildings, and they are often used by tourists, or people who do not own cars. As a result, there are some buildings stacked up on top of other ones, only accessible by monorail. These systems are affectionately nicknamed "Sky Cities" by tourists and citizens.

By Air[]

There are many airports in Findrake, and seeing a plane in the sky is not uncommon. There are many airlines in Findrake, all offering comfortable trips in the air to other countries. The three richest and most used airlines are 1442 Airlines, which has 367 planes, Tuulimylly Airlines, which has 412 planes, and Derment Airways, which has 478 planes.

By Sea[]

Seeing as Findrake has a coast, and has Scandinavian origin, a good amount of their citizens own boats. Most of these are not big ones, and are just fishing boats, but some of the richer citizens own party yachts. A lot of American cruiselines operate in Findrake as well, including Carnival, one of the most rich and successful cruiselines in Findrake as a whole.

By Space[]



Findrake broadcasts American and British television channels on their networks. Finnish channels are also broadcasted, but Findrake does operate their own channels as well. One of them was ArioC, which broadcasted shows such as Frostbite, a fictional television show that centers on a group of explorers stranded in the Antarctic, Another example is Tactics, a show that takes place in the 60s about two WWII veterans, one of which was American, and another Japanese, who have to get along and work together. Every Friday, they broadcasted a random family-friendly movie.

ArioC was hacked by the Findrak Red Movement in May 2017. It broadcasted Communist Propaganda for about 3 hours straight. The Findrak Police Department located the source, finding the new Red Rebellion base, and they destroyed it, ending the Red Rebellion.

ArioC's legacy is followed by Findrak News and Entertainment Network, or FNEN for short. FNEN joined the Mapperdonian Broadcasting Union in May 2017. The series finale of Frostbite was the first thing to air on FNEN, and Tactics continued to air.


Football (Soccer) Team

Findrake's main soccer team participates in FIFA, and had almost won the 2018 world cup, but was beaten by Argentina in the semifinals. They also have 10 smaller teams, one for each region of Findrake, and they play against each other often. There are 38 soccer stadiums in each region, although there used to be 39 in the Drake region, until it was destroyed by a terrorist attack in 2014.

Findrake also has a team in the MIFF.



There are three different meats that are very popular in Findrake.

1. Duck (The Findrak have this left over from the 1700s)

2. Beef (The Findrak use cows very often, either for beef or milk.)

3. Pork (Bacon is a very popular food in Findrake.)


  1. Huckleberry
  2. Cranberry
  3. Lingonberry (popular among the Finnish settlers)


  1. Cod
  2. Herring
  3. Mackarel


  1. Chantarelles
  2. Ceps
  3. Milkcaps


  1. Coffee
  2. Hot Cocoa (hot drinks are popular in Findrake.)
  3. Milk


  1. Cylma (A chocolate bar covered with vanilla sauce and left to freeze for 1 hour, then wrapped in a leaf)
  2. Huuma (A very hot dessert. It is a burning sweet bread (similar to the Finnish pulla) doused in chocolate. It is usually brought outdoors and eaten when it gets too cold.)
  3. Kiiselli (A Finnish food, water, sugar, berry juice and berries (nowadays often canned or frozen) thickened with potato starch flour, served with milk/cream and sugar. These may be less liquid than drink-like mustikkakeitto (Swedish blåbärssoppa), depending on preparation, but not gelatinous.)


Below is a list of notable laws in Findrake-

  • Abortions are allowed, for rape and incest victims, or medical reasons.
  • Euthanasia is only legal if the patient chooses it.
  • Gay relationships and marriage are legal.
  • Open displays of affection by homosexuals is also legal.
  • Adoption by gay people is allowed as well, but they have to go under the same tests as everyone else.
  • The viewing of pornographic content requires a visa, that shows you are above the age of 18.
  • Cigarettes and other tobacco-using materials must be issued with a gum/lung cancer warning, and can only be sold to people 21 or older.
  • Alcohol can be sold to 18 year olds, but bartenders are not allowed to give a customer drinks after they are intoxicated.
  • Gun ownership is restricted to adults only, and they must have a pass and a psychology test.
  • Death penalties are illegal. The worst punishment is life long imprisonment.
  • Neonazis and Naziism is outlawed in Findrake.
  • Discrimination against minorities is illegal, and businesses that discriminate are permanently shut down.
  • Marijuana is legal, but only 18 year olds and above are allowed to use it. It is treated the same way as alcohol.
  • Prostitution is not legal.
  • Drug operations are illegal.
  • Rocket launchers, sniper rifles, flamethrowers, and mini guns are NOT allowed to be sold to the public.
  • Peaceful muslim refugees and asylum seekers are allowed, but only after passing tests.
  • Illegal immigrants are safely and humanely flown to a nearby European country that would accept them. (SWEDEN YES)


April Fools Day

April Fools may not be a unique holiday to Findrake, but the April Fools celebrations here are insane. A large influx of tourists come to Findrake every year to visit some Findrak traditions, such as the repainting of Mt. Derment base.

The repainting of Mt. Derment base dates back to 1965, in the Cold War period of Findrake. In 1965, Mt. Derment was under control of the Eastern Armed Forces. And soon, it just happened to be a week before April Fools. So, the Findrak Reclaiming Force hatched a plan. They would repaint the entire base bright pink. The EAF would think it was just a prank (bro) made by one of their own, and leave it at that. What they wouldn't know is that the bright pink paint was actually superheated. The FRF would fire a heat-seeking-missile at it, and the pink rubbish that remained would make it easy for the FRF's infantry to locate it, swoop in, and finish off the rest.

On April 1st, 1965, the FRF successfully destroyed a pink fort on top of a large mountain.

Every year, the Mt. Derment base memorial is completely painted pink, and after everyone has finished their pranks on their friends and family, they would gather around Mt.Derment, from all around the country, and watch a firework show. (oh and did i mention that the week that has april fools day in it is a free week off of school?)

Cannonfire March Day[]

Cannonfire March Day is to Findrake like the Fourth Of July is to the USA. It is celebrated on August 3rd.

Findraks start the celebrations in 6:00 in the morning. Families pack their most valued possessions, and a large amount of food, and start walking to Derment. At 1:00 PM, the weary civilians are allowed to settle down. Children play, and adults take a well-deserved rest. It is a Cannonfire tradition to stay outdoors during this. At 8:00 PM in the night, they resume their trek. Findraks, of course, are always allowed to take breaks during these walking periods. Then, at 9:00 PM, the cannons begin to fire.

Yes, the cannons are actual, dangerous cannons, operated by Findrak military personnel. However, the cannons do not fire actual cannonballs, but their projectiles do make noise. Finally, when the Findraks reach Derment city, their toils are rewarded. They are allowed to stay in luxurious hotels for free, and the next day, presents are given to children and adults, and many festivals are held in the downtown of Derment.

Political Parties[]

The Findrak political system long has had two major parties, similar to the US having the Democratic and Republican party, but instead having the Liberaali and Konservaat party. In recent years, under Kristian Meris' leadership, however, Findrake has had multiple new parties sprout up. These parties include-


The Liberaali are one of the original Findrak political parties, comparable to the United States' Democratic party.

This party was founded in 1442 by Francois Drake, the founder of Findrake. It has had thirteen presidents, and has been the largest party overall in Findrake's politics. It has a rivalry with the Konservaat party.


The Konservaat party was founded in 1463 by Martti Pekkanen, a young man who wanted a new party to represent his beliefs. Early Konservaat beliefs were heavily Christian, and over time, evolved to become more nationalist. However, the Konservaat party is much more mild than the Republican party in the United States. The Konservaat's main rival is the Liberaali party.


The Keski are the centrist party of Findrake. They were founded in 1824 by Jorma Maunau, and were supposed to rival the Konservaat and Liberaali. They never gained much traction, but in 2017 and 2018 have gained a bit of a following because of Kristian Meri's radical left-wing beliefs.

Purple Revolutionaires-

The Purple Revolutionaires are a nationalist/conservative party founded in 1992 by Aarno Vainio (who still leads the party today).

They were created by ex-members of the Konservaat who were dissappointed in the Konservaat party's performance and believed they were weak. The Purple Revolutionaires are rivals with the Konservaat, and share with the Konservaat a mutual distaste for the Liberaali.

Second Red Revolt-

The Second Red Revolt was founded in 2017 by Oskari Laaksonen, who wanted to see Communism in Findrake but was upset by the fact that the original Red Revolt was destroyed by the Findrak party. The Second Red Revolt, unlike is predecessor, is recognized by the Findrak government, and is non-violent.

Suodrakeen Fasisti (SFP)-

The SFP (also known as the Suodrakeen Fasisti) are the Fascist party in Findrake. They were founded (technically) in 1939 by the Nazis, however their current incarnation was founded in 2003. They are violent in their means and are not recognized by the Findrak government. They use the same memorabilia and logos as the Findrak Nazi party. They are strong rivals with the Liberaali and Second Red Revolt, and their members are known for fighting members of these groups.

Findrak Economist Party (FEP)-

The FEP is the Libertarian party of Findrake. They were founded in 1964 by Kaarlo Niemi, and, like the Keski, have not been very popular originally, however have gained traction in recent years. Their main rival is the Keski.

FAA (Findrak Anarchist Association)-

The FAA (Findrak Anarchist Association) was founded in 1999 by Aaron Klemetti. The FAA is the anarchist party of Findrake, and like the SFP, is violent in their ways and are not recognized by the Findrak government.

There have been Twenty-Six presidents of Findrake, with thirteen Liberaali presidents, seven Konservaat presidents, 2 Democratic presidents, 2 Fascist presidents, and 2 Communist


Leaders (Presidents)[]

Which Leader Name of Leader Years Leader The US leader at the time (Used for comparisons) Political Party
First Francois Drake 1442-1472 None. Liberaali
Second Martti Pekkanen 1472-1502 None. Konservaat
Third Edvin Ranta 1502-1532 None. Konservaat
Fourth Reima Linna 1532-1562 None. Konservaat
Fifth Lars Nurmi 1562-1592 None. Liberaali
Sixth Maunu Lehtonen 1592-1622 None. Liberaali
Seventh Tommi Nikula 1622-1652 None, Liberaali
Eighth Kari Pentti 1652-1682 None. Konservaat
Ninth Martin Nieminen 1682-1708 None. Liberaali
Monarch Queen Anne 1709-1714 None. Monarchist
Tenth Vesa Nieminen (Brother of Martin) 1714-1744 None. Liberaali
Eleventh Tero Kulmala 1744-1774 None. Liberaali
Twelth Lars Ruoho 1774-1804 George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson Liberaali
Thirteenth Petri Virtanen 1804-1834 Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson Liberaali
Fourteenth Väinö Rautio 1834-1864 Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Filmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln Konservaat
Fifteenth Harri Partanen 1864-1894 Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland Liberaali
Sixteenth Leevi Seppänen 1892-1924 Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge Konservaat
Seventeeth Jere Pentti 1924-1939 Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt Liberaali
Nazi Leader 1 Parsifal Bocker 1939-1942 Franklin D. Roosevelt Nationalist
Nazi Leader 2 Perttu Essert 1942-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt Nationalist
Twentieth Kauko Jokela 1945-1963 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson Liberaali
West Leader 1 James Gallardo 1963-1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic (Was an American)
West Leader 2 Derek Carter 1968-1973 Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon Democratic (Was an American)
East Leader 1 Germogen Lagunov 1963-1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Soviet
East Leader 2 Saveli Pasternak 1968-1973 Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon Soviet
Twenty-Fifth Raimo Takala 1973-2003 Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush Konservaat
Twenty-Sixth Pekka Honlonen 2003-2016 George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, Donald Trump Liberaali
Twenty-Seventh Aatos Lindholm 2016-2024 (In Power) Donald Trump, ??? Liberaali
Twenty-Eighth Kristian Meri 2017- Donald Trump Liberaali

Leaders (Monarchs)[]

In 1445, Francois Drake made a monarch rule alongside him, making Findrake one of the oldest constitutional monarchies in the world. The monarch was purely ceremonial however, and had no ruling power. During the Soviet and Nazi periods, there were no monarchs. As of 2017, the monarchy in Findrake stopped existing.

Which Monarch? Name of Monarch Time Monarch British Monarch at the time (Used for comparisons, if the UK did not exist, it would be the English Monarch. Monarch's House
First Harry I 1445-1490 Henry VI, Edward IV, Henry VI (Again), Edward IV (Again), Edward V, Richard III, Henry VII House of Hentinen (1445-1574)
Second Erno I 1490- 1531 Henry VII, Henry VII (Different) House of Hentinen (1445-1574)
Third Pontus I 1531-1568 Henry VII, Edward VI, Jane, Mary I, Phillip, Elizabeth I House of Hentinen (1445-1574)
Fourth Queen Arja 1568-1574 Elizabeth I House of Hentinen (1445-1574)
Fifth Tommi I 1574-1611 Elizabeth I- James I House of Loikannen (1574- 1696)
Sixth Kalevi I 1611-1647 James I- Charles I House of Loikannen (1574- 1696)
Seventh Queen Katja 1647- 1696 Charles I- Oliver Cromwell- Richard Cromwell- Charles II- James II- Mary II- William III House of Loikannen (1574- 1696)
Eighth Queen Sara 1696- 1709 Queen Anne House of Hentunen

(1574- 1709)

Ninth Queen Anne 1709- 1714 Queen Anne (Same person) House of Stuart (1660-1714)
Tenth Queen Veera 1714- 1784 George I- George II- George III House of Hasu (1714- 1884)
Eleventh Queen Katja II 1784- 1842 George III- George IV- William IV- Victoria House of Hasu (1714- 1884)
Twelth Harry II 1842-1884 Victoria House of Hasu (1714-1884)
Thirteenth Queen Sara II 1884- 1928 Edward VII- George V House of Jalkanen (1884-1939)
Fourteenth Erno II 1928- 1939 George V, Edward VIII, George VI House of Jalkanen

(1884- 1939)

Fifteenth Erno III 1939- 1968 George VI, Elizabeth II House of Jalkanen (Restored)

1645- 1968

Sixteenth Tommi II 1973-2016 Elizabeth II House of Jalkanen (Re-restored)

1973- Now

Seventeenth Erno IV 2017- Elizabeth II House of Jalkanen (Re-restored) 1973- Now
New Findrak Flag Bahamutman New Findrak Flag
Nations: Findrake - Duchy of Liechtenstein - Chaochina - Republic of Samoa - Second Empire of Carthage - Kentuckia - United South Fascist America (USFA) - Republis - East European Federation - United States of America (50 Blessings) - Malum

Pages: Findrak-Chaochinese War - Colonies of Findrake - International Coalition of Democratic Nations - AFOeLeague - (Findrak) Red Rebellion - FFA (Findrak Football Association) - Findrak National Football (Soccer) Team

