TheFutureOfEuropes Wiki


Future of Schoolworld series 1 and 2 The movie.The Three year war and The Great war.

A short movie, of my first eight few videos on Schoolworld.

Schoolworld Thumbnail
The Schoolworld Islands

What are the Schoolworld Islands?
They are a few fictional up Islands on the Baltic sea.

Who made them?
I, Raja Thapa, did.

Why are the videos on them so terrible?
Because I used a program called Drawpad, but now I will use Medibang.Paint Pro

What is the history of the islands?

Well, watch History of Schoolworld series, made by me.

Are they unified?

What's that flag for then?

What are the names?
Wunderland, and Island Malvine.


History of Schoolworld 2. A good spot!-0

One of the episodes of History of Scholworld.
